Chapter 4

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Distant laughter.

Distant bickering

I found myself in the kitchen with Sammy, he looked worn out and tired from the sleepless nights.

The bickering intensified and transitioned to yelling. Sammy popped his head up from the table where he had rested it and looked back towards the source of the voices. I stood behind him and placed both palms against his ears not wanting him to hear their loud roars. He put his hands on top of mine and pushed down harder, wanting to deafen himself. He held back his tears and kept his eyes shut tightly, wishing it would all stop.

"It will be over soon, Sammy," I whispered, my throat stung with pain. Pain for the poor boy who had to witness all this.

I shot up awake, my body covered in sweat, the back of my hair clung to my neck. 

Another memory. 

I was in bed, my shoes still on and fully clothed. A cold wet towel that was draped across my forehead had fallen onto my thigh. I picked it up and placed it on the bedside table and stood up. I felt better but something felt off. What triggered that memory? 

"Lana?" I turned to find a frightened little Sammy stood hidden behind the half-open door. He was peaking through and I could only see half of his face. I dropped down to my knees and within seconds he was in my arms giving me the world's biggest hug. 

"I see you're finally awake." Daniel was leaning against the frame of the door, his arms crossed in front of his chest.

"You're still here?" I thought he would have left and not bothered to stick around. The room was covered in a cold blue light, it was dark outside which meant I was asleep for hours. 

"I had to make sure you were okay." The softness in his voice was comforting. He truly sounded sincere and I believed him. Sammy jumped up to his feet and I stood also. 

"Luckily Daniel was there to carry you back," Sammy added in relief. My cheeks flushed red. He carried me back...

"T-Thanks" I forced the words out but my voice was squeaky like a little mouse. 

"Right well, I'll get going now." He turned and started to go downstairs, Sammy and I rushed out and leaned over the bannister. 

"Wait!" I called out, he dropped his head back and I was met with his pale blue eyes, they were so enchanting. "Stay for some dinner? It's the least I can do..." Before answering he glanced at Sammy for confirmation. Sammy smiled widely then proceeded to run after him and showed him the way to the kitchen. 

I followed from behind and kept my eye on Daniel who looked strangely comfortable in the house. He sat down with Sammy on the bar stools and asked him about his day. While the boys were occupied I went to the fridge and started to take out a few ingredients when I noticed something, the bracelet was gone. I peeked behind me and found Daniels' eye's on me even though he was facing Sammy who was in his own little world, off on a tangent. 

Little bastard. 

I didn't want to cause a scene in front of Sammy so I kept quiet...for now. 

"Fajitas anyone?" I turned around with the fajita kit in one hand and raised an eyebrow. 

"Is that even a question!?" Sammy yelled back as he leaned forward. If Daniel hadn't grabbed his arm the kid would have fallen off the stool. 

I cleared the counter and got a chopping board and a sharp knife out of one of the draws. I felt a presence behind me and turned my head to find Daniel holding a pan. 

"Need any help?" He stood beside me and watched as I started chopping up the chicken into tiny pieces. 

"No thanks." A moment of silence passed between us but he didn't move. He watched me intensely which made me very uncomfortable. I couldn't focus on cooking when Daniel was right there a meter away just staring at me. 

"Can't believe you took the bracelet when I was unconscious," I whispered furiously at him, we both glanced at Sammy but he was preoccupied with his homework. 

"That bracelet belonged to the old Lana and you aren't her so it's staying with me." He hissed as he leaned in closer, his lips a few inches away from mine. I tried my best to keep eye contact but it was far too tempting. 

"Why's it so important to you?" He pulled back and sighed deeply. 

"None of your business," For just a split second I saw a flash of despair in his eyes; I couldn't tell if I had imagined it or if he really was gloomy. "I'm just going to leave." He muttered as he started to walk off. He patted Sammy's head and said a 'goodbye'. Sammy watched back in confusion. I followed him out to the porch. 

"Daniel I need answers," he paused but didn't turn around to face me, "I need to remember. I have to for my sake but also for Sammy's." Tears stung my eyes but I refused to let the stream of tears escape. He turned his head to the side and glanced at me. 

"Don't believe what they say. I'm not your enemy." And with that he left, leaving me more confused than ever. 

I dragged my feet back inside with a heavy heart. Sammy had resumed his work and I finished cooking. 

Sat at the dinner table with our finished plates and our stuffed bellies I asked a question that had been bothering me for a while. 

"Did our parents ever argue?" His eyes widened in shock. 

"Do you remember?" I forced a small smile and looked down. 

"Not really, just little things. It's all still a blur." 

"They did a bit...silly stuff most of the time" Sammy's face fell at the memory of our parent's constant quarrels. I wanted to relate with him, to feel what he was feeling but I couldn't. Here I was empty while poor Sammy was filled with longing for his dead parents. He was in agony and I couldn't do anything to heal him. I was of no help. I went to his side, kneeled down and hugged him, he burst into tears and sobbed into my shoulder. I stroked his hair and cooed into his ear. 

For the rest of the night, we watched cartoons cuddled up under a blanket. He fell asleep against my shoulder so I carried him up to bed. I watched him sleep peacefully, in his own little dream world, filled with chocolate rivers and chocolate houses. The next day was the same routine. After eating we stepped out onto the porch. 

"Do you mind walking to school on your own today?" Sammy looked up confused. 

"Why?" He sounded upset and grabbed hold of my hand. Needy little kid. 

"I lost something that I need for school. I'm just going to look for it, okay?" Please don't ask any more questions. He thought for a while but then gave a big nod and hugged me before running off down the clear path. Once he was out of sight I looked around, trying to remember which direction I came in from the night of the accident. I cautiously walked into the woods and like a hawk I searched around, I kicked piles of leaves hoping to find the phone hidden beneath them. I wanted to be thorough. 

An hour had past and I was beginning to get tired and out of breath. I'm being ridiculous, I'll never be able to find it. 

I gave up and started to walk back when I stepped on something hard. I looked down and brushed off a few leaves to find an iPhone with a light pink case. It's got to be mine. I tapped on it but it had run out of battery. I stuffed it into the pocket of my woollen coat and rushed back. 

In my room, I searched for a charger and connected it. I sat impatiently and stared at the phone, waiting for it to turn on. The screen lit up and I practically flew for it.


I wanted to scream out at the top of my lungs. I was both annoyed and furious. 

It was locked. 

This chapter is soooo short I am so sorry! I hope you guys enjoy reading just as much as I enjoy writing it!

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