Chapter 18

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He leaned in, threatening me with his dominance but I refused to give in and cower. I ripped my arm away from his big strong grip. He growled deeply as he reached for my shoulders but I was quicker, I raised my knee and as hard as I could, kneed him in the groin. Howling in pain, his hands flew to his groin as he bent forward. 

I took that chance to run. I didn't think I could ever run that fast. I glanced back to make sure he wasn't following. He had disappeared into the shadows. Almost relieved I slowed my pace into a jog. My heart thumped against my chest and my body shook uncontrollably. I needed to fill my lungs with air, I was suffocating. The world closed in on me and the gravelled path that led to my house seemed longer. The more I neared the house the further it seemed to move away. I dragged my feet and willed myself to keep going. I felt faint and choked as if smoke had entered my lungs. I reached the door but my legs gave in. My weight fully rested on the door as I struggled to keep myself up. I heard the door unlock and then I fell in as it swung open. I landed right into a hard chest and arms instantly engulfed me into a hug. 

"Lana?" Daniel sounded panicked. He held me close to his chest and shut the door with a free hand. I heard Sammy's light footsteps run down the stairs. 

"What's happened?" His little voice quivered as he took in the sight of me. I must have looked a mess. Daniel guided me into the living room with Sammy at his heel. Once I regained my breath and calmed my nerves I looked up at them both. Sammy stood shaken by the door while Daniel was sat opposite me, on the coffee table. 

"M-Max..." My voice was a hoarse whisper. I trembled with fear of the unknown. If I hadn't had the courage to do what I did, what would have happened? Images of Max on top of me that night burned through my skull. Tears stung my eyes but I held them back.

Daniel's eyes furrowed and I could practically feel the heat radiate off his body. His jaw twitched and his hands turned to fists. His eyes which were once always clear and pale were now clouded grey like storms were forming in them. He was about to thunder in on Max. Before I could usher another word Daniel was out of the house. Sammy stepped back, not wanting to get in Daniel's way. I locked eyes with Sammy's, they were wide and teary. 

"Sammy-" I broke into a sob as my little brother rushed to my side. He hugged me so tight, my airways were blocked but I didn't care. I needed the comfort and I missed my little brother. He sniffled back his tears. Mabel had found her way into the room and clawed at our feet, begging for attention. I forced out a small laugh as I wiped away my tears. Sammy lifted the little creature onto his lap and sent me a worried look. 

"I'll be fine." But he didn't believe my words. Who would? Since when did saying 'I'm fine' mean anything? They masked the true sorrow hidden beneath the skin. I was hurting but I chose to suffer alone than share that pain. Sammy was too young to understand and I also didn't want him scarred at such a young age. 

"You aren't but I won't push," He lifted the corners of his lips into a smile. I pinched his cheek in an attempt to make him laugh and it worked. "I'm not a baby~" He whined. 

"You are to me." I pulled him into another tight hug. Mabel squirmed her way out between our bodies. 

Then it hit me. Like a massive blow to the head. 





I marched down the road like a soldier on a mission. The closer I got the more my veins reached the surface of my skin. 

Fury, rage, anger. 

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