Chapter 17

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The sound of the water running pulled me out of my thoughts. I twisted the tap and listened to the drips of water.



My emerald green eyes stared back at me through the mirror. I looked a mess. I ran my fingers through my wild raven hair but I seemed to make things worse. What was wrong with me? The longer I stared at my reflection the more foreign I seemed to become. I didn't recognise the girl before me. She looked terrified. I rested my palm on my stomach, exactly where Daniel had touched me. The sensation of his touch was still there. My stomach churned, I was going to be sick.

Pull yourself together, it's only 3 words.

I straightened my back and took one last glance at the stranger before me. I could feel it. The old me fighting against the new me. Who would win I had no idea but for now I had control. My mind fought my vulnerable heart, I struggled against my own strength.

"Just because you were scared to tell him you loved him before doesn't mean I should be." I gritted my teeth. My eyes darkened and that scared me. I suddenly looked different. Intense and...angry. Within seconds my eyes brightened to their usual green and I was taken aback. I shocked myself. No, she shocked me. I suppressed the mix of emotions bubbling up inside of me. I felt like the sea, wild and unpredictable.

I swung the door open, not giving myself enough time to back down.

"Daniel I-!"

Knock. Knock.

Why does this always happen? I rubbed my face in defeat and watched as Daniel stepped out of my room and skipped downstairs.

"Meow~" Mabel hopped over to me and poked her head between the spindle gaps. We both watched Daniel pay for the pizza. How long was I in that bathroom for? The delivery man left with the money and his tip. Daniel held up the box with a raised eyebrow.

"Pizza anyone?" I dashed downstairs with Mabel. What was she even eager for, she doesn't know what pizza is. I giggled at her attempts at trying to catch up.

"What shall we watch?" I made myself comfy on the couch as Daniel searched the DVD's we had. Even though he had his back turned I could see the wide grin on his face. He held up the cover and winked.


"Do I like horror movies?" I asked as he placed the disc in the DVD player.

"We will find out." But I could hear the humour in his voice, he already knew the answer and I don't think I wanted to find out any more.

"Maybe we should watch a comedy," I mumbled as I held the blanket up closer to my face.

"This is going to be fun."

Halfway through the movie and an empty box of pizza later, which by the way Daniel ate most of. Mable was sat on the floor nibbling on a slice of pepperoni while I was hidden under the blanket. Daniel found me amusing to watch.

"Is it over?" My voice was muffled against his chest which rose and fell as he chuckled deeply.

"Yes, the scary part is over." I plucked up the courage to take a peek. Boy did he lie. I screamed and hid as the image of the scary-looking old lady was now perfectly engraved in my head. Why would anyone want to watch this?

I hit Daniel's chest as he erupted into a fit of laughter. It was not funny. Without warning, he pulled me closer and held me tightly. My heart skipped a beat and my stomach filled with butterflies. Being this close to him made me feel hot and I started to sweat from the added heat of the blanket. I felt suffocated and claustrophobic but I refused to take it off. I'd rather die from lack of air than watch that movie.

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