Season 1 Episode 1 - Oakland

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Clay Morrow is smoking a cigar and reading the newspaper at his house sitting at the large dining table when Gemma Teller Morrow is cooking breakfast and Roxy Morrow walks in and walks to Clay and kisses his cheek "Morning" Gemma turns around "Morning Baby, where's Nathan?" Roxy sits down beside Clay and says "He's upstairs, he'll be down soon" Clay nods and Roxy asks "What smells so good?" Gemma glances to Roxy and smirks "Pancakes" Roxy smirks and rubs her hands together and says "Yum my favourite". Clay says "I'll be outta town today" Gemma asks "Why? Where you off to?" Clay puts down the newspaper and says "Oakland, I've got a meeting with Leroy" Gemma kisses Clay on the lips and says "Well be careful". Nathan Morrow walks downstairs and Gemma and Clay smile to him and Gemma says "Morning Sweetheart" "Morning Grandma" Nathan walks up to Clay and high fives Clay and Clay chuckles "Morning Grandpa" "Morning Sport". Clay stands up and puts on his kutte and says "Right I'm off" Roxy says "See ya Dad" Clay smiles down at her and says "Bye Princess" and he ruffles Nathan's hair and he approaches Gemma and kisses her and she says "Bye Baby" and Clay walks out. Gemma sets two plates of pancakes down in front of Roxy and Nathan and says "Eat up" and Roxy smirks "Thanks Ma".

Clay walks into The Clubhouse to see Juice and says "Juice, come with me" Juice nods "Sure thing Clay". Clay walks into the chapel and sits at the head of the table and a moment later Juice walks in and Clay says "Close the door". Juice shuts the double doors and sits at his usual seat in the chapel. Juice asks "What's this about Clay?" Clay takes off his sunglasses and says "It's about My Daughter, you've been going out for a month now. I just wanna see where you're at with the relationship?" Juice says "I really like Roxy, she's great. She makes me happy" Clay looks at Juice and says "Well you're making Roxy happy so whatever it is you're doing keep doing it but if I somehow find out you've upset her in any way I'll kill ya" Juice gulps and nods "Don't worry, I won't hurt her" Clay stands up and says "Good, then we're all good Juicy Boy" and Juice nods at Clay.

Gemma is driving her black Cadillac with Roxy in the passenger seat and Roxy says "I bought this cute baby grow for Abel, oh Mom you should see it" Gemma smirks "That was sweet of you Babygirl" Roxy smiles and Gemma's phone rings and says "It's Jax". Gemma presses the phone to her ear and says "Hey Sweetheart" Jax says "Hey Ma, I'm just checking when you're having the family dinner?" "Tomorrow baby, you should bring the prospect" Jax nods and says "Yeah I'll invite him, listen have you heard from my crazy ex wife at all?" Gemma looks to Roxy and says "No, why?" "Wendy's been avoiding my calls, I'm just worried" Gemma sighs and says "I'm on my way home, so me and Rox will drop by" Roxy rolls her eyes and exhales. Jax says "Thanks Ma" Gemma ends the call. Gemma looks to Roxy and says "Look Rox, I know you're not Wendy's number 1 fan but your Brothers worried" Roxy says "Fine, but don't expect me to be nice to her" Gemma smirks and says "I wouldn't expect anything else Honey".

Jax is in the garage and Clay approaches his Stepson and says "Me and Tig are gonna go meet Leroy, I'm gonna need you to hold the fort" Jax nods and says "Yeah, you got it"

Gemma gets out of the car followed by Roxy as she gets out of the passenger side and Roxy knocks on the door and shouts "Wendy! You in there?!" Gemma asks "Any answer?" Roxy shakes her head and says "None" Gemma walks towards the window and gasps as she sees Wendy laying on the floor unconscious and she's bleeding and Roxy stands beside Gemma and asks "Is she there?" Gemma motions her head towards Wendy and Roxy's jaw drops as she sees Wendy's unconscious form and Gemma says "That stupid junkie bitch" Roxy says "We gotta call the hospital and Jax".

Gemma and Jax and Chibs and Bobby and Juice walk through the hospital corridor to see Roxy and Gemma says "Any news?" Roxy shakes her head and says "Not yet" Juice kisses Roxy's cheek "I'm sure he'll be alright Babe" Roxy sighs and Tara walks out of a hospital room and walks to Jax and Jax asks "How is she? and the baby? How's the baby?" Tara says "Wendy's okay we have had to do a caesarean but the baby has a congenital heart defect and was born ten weeks early" Roxy says "Oh my god" and Juice rubs her back and Jax shakes his head and says "She didn't tell me, I didn't know" and Tara says "I can take you to see him now" and Jax shakes his head and says "Mom, Rox go with Tara" and Jax storms off out of the hospital. Roxy looks to Juice and says "Go after him" Juice nods and says "I don't wanna leave you" Gemma approaches Roxy and says "It's ok, I'm here. Go" and Juice nods and he walks off followed by Chibs and Bobby. Roxy looks to Gemma and says with tears in her eyes "What happens now" Gemma engulfs Roxy in a hug "It's all gonna be okay Baby"

Nathan gets involved in a fight.
Juice treats Roxy.
Roxy threatens Wendy.

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