Season 1 Episode 3 - Social Call

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(Authors Note: I am going to have Alexander Ludwig to portray Mason)

Nathan was involved in a fight.
Unser had some troubling news for Clay.
Roxy threatened Wendy.
Gemma told Roxy to stay away from Wendy.

Nathan is sitting at the dining table eating breakfast and Roxy looks at her Son holding her cup of coffee. Roxy says "We gotta talk about that fight" Nathan groans "Do we have to?" Roxy looks taken back and says "You really hurt Curtis Nathan. We need to talk about your punishment" Nathan rolls his eyes "Mom" Nathan trials away. Clay walks in the living room and Roxy says "Your grounded for two month" Nathan says "What?! But Mommy that's not fair" Clay says "Leave the poor kid alone Rox" Roxy turns her head and stares through Clay and says "Dad, let me handle it" Clay nods and smirks and says "Nathan, your Mothers right. You shouldn't have hurt that boy" Nathan says "But you told me to fight" Roxy asks "Is that right?" Roxy stands up "Go up to your room, never backchat your granddad!" Nathan gets off the chair and stomps upstairs. Roxy sighs and says "You told him to fight?" Clay puts on his kutte and says "He needs to stand his ground Rox". Roxy asks "and where are you going?" Clay says "To T-M" Roxy nods "Alright, I'll see ya later Dad" Clay kisses Roxy's cheek "See ya Princess" and Clay walks out of the house.

Gemma is in Teller Morrow office filling out paperwork when Clay walks in and Gemma looks up and takes off her glasses and says "Where you headed?" Clay shuts the office door and says "Stockton" Gemma looks taken back and confused "Stockton? Who's in Stockton?" Clay looks out the window and says "Mason" Gemma stands up and says "What do you want with that bastard?" Clay turns around and faces his Wife and says "Turns out Mason's getting let out early" Gemma exclaims "Early?!" Clay says "Yeah, he's getting let out early for good behaviour" Gemma sighs "That piece of shit. This will tear Roxy apart, we told her that she would never see him again. What are we gonna do?" Clay says "Don't worry I'm handling it. We just gotta keep the truth from Roxy" and Gemma nods and asks "Jax going with you?" Clay scoffs and says "Last time Jax saw Mason he beat him to a pulp, so I'm gonna do this solo" Gemma nods "Well that'd be wise, let me know how it goes and be careful" and Gemma kisses Clay.

Juice and Roxy are laying in bed when Juice rubs Roxy's arm and says "That was fun" Roxy smirks and says "You know I rock your world Juicy" Juice chuckles and he kisses her and Nathan shouts "Mommy!" Juice sighs and Roxy gets up out of bed and puts on her clothes as Juice lays in bed and Roxy looks back to Juice and says "Hurry up and get dressed and I'll make your favourite" Juice grins "Okay I'll be quick" and Roxy giggles.

Clay is sitting in The visitation room and he looks around when the gate opens and inmates start to walk out to their visitors. Clay sees Mason and Mason groans as he sees Clay and he approaches the table and sits down across from Clay. Clay says "So I hear you're getting out soon" Mason smirks "Yeah, next week" Clay says "Alright, let's cut the bullshit. I ain't here for a social call" Mason says "So, why are ya here Clay?" Clay glares at Mason and says "When you get out I want you to leave Charming" Mason chuckles and says "You're scared in case I'll take Roxy away from you just like I did all those years ago" Clay says "You listen to me you dip shit I ain't scared of you. You stay clear of Roxy" Mason leans back in his seat and says "Tell me Clay, how's my Son" Clay glares at Mason and says "You stay away from Nathan, they don't need you in their lives. If I see you in Charming or even get wind of you in my town I'll kill ya" Mason says "I'm scared" Clay smirks and says "So you should be. Stay away from My Daughter and my Grandkid" and Clay stands up and he walks past Mason and out of the visitation room.

Roxy is cooking and Juice is sitting at the dining table and Nathan walks in and Roxy turns around "Lunch is almost ready Nathan, sit down next to Juice" Nathan nods and walks towards the table and sits beside Juice. Juice says "Hey kiddo" Nathan smiles "Hi Juice" Juice says "How about after we get lunch we go to the park and get some ice cream" Nathan asks "With chocolate sprinkles?" Roxy looks back to Juice and Nathan and fondly smiles at both of them and Juice says "With sprinkles".

Mason returns to Charming.
Nathan returns to school
Juice confesses his love for Roxy.

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