Season 1 Episode 16 - Got Smarter

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Clay and Jax and Bobby and Juice and Chibs and Tig and Half Sack are sitting in the clubhouse

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Clay and Jax and Bobby and Juice and Chibs and Tig and Half Sack are sitting in the clubhouse. Clay asks Juice "So, what do we know?'' Juice looks down and says "We asked everywhere, nobody knows anything" Jax bows his head down as Clay slams his hand down on the bar counter in temper and bellows "I DON'T GIVE A SHIT WHAT WE GOTTA DO, I WANT MY GRANDSON FOUND!" everybody nods and Jax says "We will find Nathan, if it's the last thing I do, I'm gonna find my Nephew". Roxy walks into the clubhouse and everybody looks at Roxy and Juice walks to Roxy and wraps his arm around her waist. Roxy says "I found out something" and Jax and Clay look at each other in shock. Juice asks "You got new Intel?" Roxy nods and she says "Last night Mason came by the house, he knows who has Nathan" Clay shakes his head and says "We cant trust a word he says" Bobby says "Yeah, hes a Scumbag" Roxy says "No, look listen...Mason owes these people money for drugs and when Mason didn't pay up his debt they took Nathan" Tig asks in shock "Drug Dealers in Charming?" Roxy says "Apparently his name is Mac White, hes got people working for him, according to Mason Mac and his people are big time drug dealers...Mac works for Darby" Clay stands up and says "Now we know who we gotta see, Chibs set it up" Chibs nods and says "You got it" Clay walks to Roxy and he kisses her forehead and says "I want you to stay here, I'm gonna get the kid back you hear me?" Roxy nods and is close to tears and she says "Get my boy back Daddy" and Clay nods and he walks off as he puts on his dark sunglasses. Jax walks past Roxy and he grasps hold of her hand and gives her hand a tight squeeze and he winks at his younger Sister and he walks out of the clubhouse. Juice faces Roxy and he cups her cheeks and says "We're gonna get him back Babe" and Roxy nods and says "I love you" and Juice kisses Roxy.

Clay and Jax and Chibs and Tig and Bobby and Juice arrive at Darby's house and they all get off their motorbikes

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Clay and Jax and Chibs and Tig and Bobby and Juice arrive at Darby's house and they all get off their motorbikes. Darby hears the engines and walks out of his house and he exhales as he sees the Sons of Anarchy. Clay and the others approach Darby and Darby takes a drink of his bottle of beer and asks "To what do I owe this pleasure?" Clay says "Mac White...what do you know about him?" Darby shakes his head and says "Mac White? Never heard of him" Clay takes out his gun and aims it at Darby and says "Not what I hear. I know that White is working for you, I need Intel and I need it now!" Darby says "Why would I tell you?" Jax interjects "Let's just say your life depended on it" Darby glares at Jax and he says "Fine, I employed Mac and the others a couple of years back" Clay says "Somebody came into my house in the middle of the night and kidnapped my Grandson from his own bed, and I hear it was your boy White" Darby smugly smiles and says "Yeah, I heard about little Nathan that's such a shame" and Juice charges at Darby and punches Darby and Juice throws Darby on the dirty ground and begins to throw punches and Bobby and Tig drag Juice off Darby and they both hold Juice back. Clay says "One remark like that and I'll kill ya. Now I'm gonna need the names of his little group of dealers and Mac's address" and Darby scoffs and says "I ain't gonna eat him out to you Clay" and Clay presses his gun go under Darby's jawline and he says "Oh you will" and Darby nervously looks to all of the Sons of Anarchy club members.

 Now I'm gonna need the names of his little group of dealers and Mac's address" and Darby scoffs and says "I ain't gonna eat him out to you Clay" and Clay presses his gun go under Darby's jawline and he says "Oh you will" and Darby nervously looks...

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Nathan is sitting on a wooden chair and has his arms tied to the arms of the chair. Mac and a woman walk into the basement and Mac says "Klara get water for the kid" Klara nods and she walks off. Mac smiles as he looks at Nathan and says "You must be scared...What's your name?" Nathan says "Nathan...I want my Mommy!" Mac says "I know you do, when I was your age I loved my Mom but then I got smarter, now what I'm about to do it isnt personal, I need to do this for what I'm owed" and Klara walks to Nathan with a bottle of water and brings the bottle to Nathan's lips. Nathan begins to drink the water then Klara takes the bottle of water away from Nathan. Mac nods at Klara and she punches Nathan and Nathan begins to cry in pain as Klara begins to hit Nathan. Mac watches Klara hurt Nathan and he smiles deviously.


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