Season 1 Episode 19 - Blow Back

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Roxy is sitting in Gemma and Clay's house at the long dinner table and she stares ahead in a trance as she places her hand on her stomach

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Roxy is sitting in Gemma and Clay's house at the long dinner table and she stares ahead in a trance as she places her hand on her stomach. Gemma walks into the room and she sadly looks at Roxy and she walks to the table and sits across from Roxy. Gemma asks "What's on your mind Baby?" Roxy wipes her tear stained cheeks and says "That My Son is dead" Gemma says angrily "Dont say that!" Roxy says "Its true, I seen the look on all of your faces when Unser told us about the body. I'm never gonna see my little boy again am I?" Gemma sadly looks at Roxy and she says "I know what you're going through" Roxy shakes her head and says "No you dont, none of us went missing" Gemma nods and says "You're right, but I lost Thomas" Roxy bows her head down in sadness and Gemma continues "When Tommy dying he was Nathan's age. The hopelessness I felt, I never left his side, I could see he was slipping away and that broke my goddamn heart but it was too late for your Brother but it isnt too late for Nathan. Our boy is out there and Your Dad and Jax and the others will find him Baby" Roxy buries her head in her hands and she says through tears "He's badly hurt, I just miss him so much Mom...I failed him" and Gemma stands up and she rushes to Roxy's side and crouches down to Roxy's level and says "You have never that boy, not a day in his life Babygirl" Gemma places her hand on Roxy's chest and says "You feel all that pain, you feel all of that and you never let go of it" and Roxy nods and Gemma kisses her cheek and says "Go for a bath, try to relax" and Roxy nods.

Clay and Jax and Tig and Juice and Bobby and Chib's motorbikes arrive outside a abandoned house and they all get off of their motorcycles and Clay says "What a shithole" Tig takes out his gun and Clay says "Let's go kids"

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Clay and Jax and Tig and Juice and Bobby and Chib's motorbikes arrive outside a abandoned house and they all get off of their motorcycles and Clay says "What a shithole" Tig takes out his gun and Clay says "Let's go kids".

Roxy walks into the kitchen and says aloud "Ma?! Mom?!" Klara appears in the kitchen and says "Mama Gemma is out" Roxy looks at Klara in shock and asks "Who the fuck are you?! And what are you doing in my house?!" Klara smirks and says "I'm Klara ...

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Roxy walks into the kitchen and says aloud "Ma?! Mom?!" Klara appears in the kitchen and says "Mama Gemma is out" Roxy looks at Klara in shock and asks "Who the fuck are you?! And what are you doing in my house?!" Klara smirks and says "I'm Klara Smith, a friend of Mac's" Roxy's eyes cloud with anger "The piece of shit who has My Son?!" Klara smirks and says "Yeah that's the one" Roxy shouts "Where's My Kid?!" Klara says angrily "We'll get to that in a minute but firsts first, your thuggish family killed Mac! He was my boyfriend!" Roxy walks to the counter top and she sneakily puts a kitchen knife behind her back that was sitting on the counter top and Roxy says "Where's Nathan?" Klara slowly walks towards Roxy and says "He wont stop crying, and he shouts your name. You have a weak Son" and Roxy's eyes flash in anger and theres a knock at the door which causes Klara to look in the direction of the door and Roxy slashes Klara's throat and blood squirts out from her slashed neck and Klara clutches at her neck and Roxy looks at Klara in horror and Roxy grabs a fistful of Klara's long dark hair and says "My Son is not weak, and My Family are not thugs!" and Roxy stabs Klara's chest repeatedly and Roxy is covered in Klara's blood. Roxy let's go of her gmtight grip on Klara's hair and Klara falls to the kitchen tiled floor. Mason hears the commotion and he barges in and he looks at Roxy and Klara and he asks "Rox what have you done?" Roxy places the blood covered knife on the counter top and she looks at Mason in shock.

Clay and the other members of the club walk upstairs and hear crying

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Clay and the other members of the club walk upstairs and hear crying. Clay looks at Jax and Jax says "That's gotta be him" and Clay nods and Clay barges into the small room and they all see a badly beaten Nathan and they all look in relief but saddened at his beating. Nathan says "Grampa! Uncle Jax!" Jax rushes to Nathan and unties him and Jax says "Hey Buddy, let's get you home" and Nathan engulfs Jax into a hug and Jax smiles and rubs Nathan's back.

Roxy enters the kitchen with no blood on her and Mason who is cleaning the blood from the kitchen floor and says "You look cleaner" and Roxy curiously looks at Mason and asks "Where's the body?'' Mason sighs "A friend owed me a favour, I handled it

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Roxy enters the kitchen with no blood on her and Mason who is cleaning the blood from the kitchen floor and says "You look cleaner" and Roxy curiously looks at Mason and asks "Where's the body?'' Mason sighs "A friend owed me a favour, I handled it. It wont blow back on you" and Roxy nods and she approaches Mason and she envelopes Mason into a hug and says "Thank you" Mason asks "For what?" Roxy says "For sticking around and helping, you could have just walked out that door" and Mason says "Its fine Rox, have you ever done it before?" Roxy shakes her head and says "Nah, shes the first person I've killed" and Mason says "We are gonna find our Son" and Roxy nods. Mason leans into Roxy and is inches from her lips when her cell phone rings and Roxy turns around and faces her back to Mason and she picks up her cellphone and puts it to her ear and says "Hello?" Juice says "Hey Babe, get to the clubhouse. We got him, we found Nathan" and Roxy stumbles back in shock and asks "You have? He's okay?" Juice grins and says "He's great, he's asking for you. He's a bit bruised Tara's patched him up" Roxy says "I'll be right there" and Juice smiles and Roxy hangs up the phone and Roxy looks to Mason and says "They found him, they found Nate" and Mason grins and says "That's great news".


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