Season 1 Episode 2 - Croweater

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Wendy had a c-section.
Clay and Tig left for Oakland.

It was a sunny day in Charming, Roxy walks inside Wendy's hospital room and Wendy groans "What do you want? I've had enough of your family trying to push me around" Roxy tilts her head and approaches the bed and says "Well I've had enough of you actually. The way you use, My Moms right you are a baby killer. You could've killed Abel do you even care?" Wendy snaps "Of course I do" "Really? Well why didn't you think about your unborn son instead of sticking that needle in your vein" Wendy bows her head down and Roxy says "I've never liked you, even when you were just a Croweater I never trusted you and to be fair I was right you were nothing but a pathetic junkie" Roxy leans towards Wendy and says "I want you to stay away from Jax and Abel they'd be better off with you" Wendy says "Or What? What are you gonna do? You gonna get Clay and Gemma to me?" Roxy chuckles "Oh please I don't need my Parr ya to fight my battles. You go near them I'll kill you so I think you'd find it in your best interests to leave this hospital and run far far away before I find you. Cause if I see you again I'll rip you apart and don't think for one second I won't" and Roxy scoffs as she looks at Wendy with distaste and she walks out of the hospital room.

Juice is in the garage and Tig is fixing the engine of a black Chevy impala when Juice smiles down at his cell phone. Tig says "Are you gonna do any work at all?" Juice puts his phone away and says "Sorry Tig, I was just texting Rox" Tig says "What's going on between you and Roxy? She's been hurt before she doesn't need to be hurt again. I won't allow it, not on my watch" Juice says "Roxy's my Girlfriend, I wouldn't hurt her for the world" Tig nods "Good, now c'mon let's fix this" and Juice nods and says "You got it".

Roxy walks inside Abel's hospital room and Gemma who is sitting down by Abel's incubator asks "and where were you?" Roxy says "I paid the Junkie a visit" Gemma sighs and she says "and?... what happened?" Roxy shrugs her shoulders and says "Nothing, we just exchanged words" Gemma says "I told you to leave it alone Roxanne" Roxy says "But Mom, look at what that slut did to Abel" Gemma says "I know Baby, you're only looking out for your Family but stay away from Wendy you hear me?" Roxy nods "I will" Gemma nods.

Clay is smoking his cigar as he's sitting down at the head of the table in the chapel. When Unser walks in "Sorry Clay, I don't mean to disturb you" Clay says "What is it Wayne?" Unser says "I've got some news on Mason" and Clay looks up at Unser.

 When Unser walks in "Sorry Clay, I don't mean to disturb you" Clay says "What is it Wayne?" Unser says "I've got some news on Mason" and Clay looks up at Unser

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Roxy's Black Cadillac Escalade drives into Teller Morrow Automotive's Parking Lot. Juice looks to Roxy as she parks the Cadillac and she grabs her handbag and gets out of the Cadillac. Roxy fixates her handbag strap on her shoulder as she walks to Juice and Juice wipes his greasy hands on a rag and Juice smiles "Hey Beautiful" and Roxy kisses Juice and Tig says "Put him down Rox. Clay will chop off his dick if he catches Juice slacking" Roxy rolls her eyes and says "We can't be having that now, can we?" Juice says "I was thinking of taking you out tonight, y'know to that Italian restaurant you like" Roxy says "Babe I would, but it's trying to find a babysitter for Nathan" Tig says "I'll do it" and Juice laughs and says "You babysitting?" Tig says "Why's that so hard to believe?" Roxy smiles at Tig and says "Thanks Tiggy, that would be great it wouldn't be for long" Tig says "No problem doll". Roxy's cell phone rings and looks at the caller ID and says "It's the school" Juice and Tig both look to each other. Roxy answers the phone and presses the phone to her ear and says "Hello?" "Hello, is that Miss Roxanne Morrow?" Roxy says "Yeah it is" "Miss Morrow, Im calling to inform you Nathaniel has been involved in a fight" Roxy's eyes widen and says "A fight?!" "Yes, I need you to come to the school and pick Nathaniel up" "I'll be right there" and Roxy ends the call and says "Nathan's been fighting, I need to go to the school" and Juice asks "Need me to come?" Roxy shakes her head "No baby it's fine" and she kisses his lips and walks towards her Cadillac.

Clay stands up and says "What news?" Unser sighs and says "Mason's getting released next month" Clay takes off his sunglasses and exclaims "What?!" Under nods "Its true, I am good friends with Henry Stewart, The Prison Governor, he told me" Clay clenches his jaw and says "He won't make it to Charming" Unser says "C'mon Clay, he's only a kid" "He's 25 years old and he put my Daughter through hell. He knocked her up and cheated on her and beat her to a pulp he's gonna pay" and Unser sighs.

Roxy walks into the school reception and sees Nathan and this other school boy and Roxy sternly looks at Nathan. "Mom, it wasn't my fault" Roxy says "We'll talk about this when we get home"

Clay visits Mason.
Roxy worries for her Son.
Gemma plots revenge on Mason.

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