Season 1 Episode 20 - True Identity

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Roxy's surbuban drives into Teller - Morrow car lot and she parks her vehicle as Jax is standing outside smoking a cigarette and is talking to Half Sack and Roxy gets out of the surbuban and she rushes to Jax and asks "Where is he?" Jax smiles and...

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Roxy's surbuban drives into Teller - Morrow car lot and she parks her vehicle as Jax is standing outside smoking a cigarette and is talking to Half Sack and Roxy gets out of the surbuban and she rushes to Jax and asks "Where is he?" Jax smiles and says "He's inside" and Roxy grins and she says "I got him back" and Jax nods and smiles widely and he engulfs Roxy into a hug and Roxy holds Jax tightly.

Everybody is in the clubhouse, Gemma and Clay and Chibs and Piney and Opie and Tig and Happy and Juice and Bobby and Nathan

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Everybody is in the clubhouse, Gemma and Clay and Chibs and Piney and Opie and Tig and Happy and Juice and Bobby and Nathan. Nathan is sitting at a table and Clay and Gemma are sitting at the table with him and watch as Nathan is eating one of Bobby's muffins. Roxy and Jax rush into The Clubhouse and Nathan looks at Roxy as Roxy smiles at looks at Nathan and Nathan jumps off his chair and runs to Roxy's arms and Roxy catches Nathan in her arms and says "Oh My Baby, I've missed you so much" Roxy looks at Nathan's bruised face and Nathan says "I missed you Mommy" and Roxy says "I missed you too Baby, I love you so much" and Nathan says "I love you too". Roxy puts Nathan down on his feet and Roxy stands up. Gemma stands up and looks at her Grandson and Roxy looks around the room and looks at everyone and she puts her hands on Nathan's shoulders and says "I just want to thank you all for finding Nathan, and bringing him back home to me...I love you all" Jax rubs Roxy's back and Chibs says "Of course we did Darlin, Nate's Family" and Roxy nods.

Everybody is drinking at the clubhouse to celebrate Nathan being back home and Roxy is leaning against the fridge and is watching Nathan drawing with Juice and Jax

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Everybody is drinking at the clubhouse to celebrate Nathan being back home and Roxy is leaning against the fridge and is watching Nathan drawing with Juice and Jax. Happy walks into the kitchen and says "Hey Killer" Roxy smiles "Hey Hap" Happy grabs a beer bottle and asks "What you doing in here?" Roxy says "I just need a minute alone" and Happy nods and Roxy says "Hey Hap, hows Kozik doing?" Happy nods and says "Yeah he's good, still up in Tacoma.. he asks for you a lot" and Roxy smiles and nods. Unser walks into the clubhouse and Roxy and Happy see this and walk out of the kitchen and walk into the main room. Clay stands up and says "What can I do for ya Chief?" Unser says "I heard that you got Nathan back I just wanted to come by and congratulate you all for a job well done" and Jax says "Yeah well, we done what the police couldn't do" and Unser nods and looks to Roxy and says "I'm glad your boy is back home safe" and Roxy nods and smiles "Thank you".

 Clay stands up and says "What can I do for ya Chief?" Unser says "I heard that you got Nathan back I just wanted to come by and congratulate you all for a job well done" and Jax says "Yeah well, we done what the police couldn't do" and Unser nods...

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Nathan is laying asleep in the bed of the apartment in the clubhouse and Roxy is standing in the doorway and smiles at Nathan and says "Night Baby" and Roxy walks out and quietly closes the door. Tig walks towards her and says "Great day huh?" Roxy nods and smiles "It definitely is" and Tig asks "You alright? Now I'm no expert on missing kids but the kids back and you seem like you've got the weight of the world on your shoulders" and Roxy says "Yeah it's just, I was back at the house and this bitch Klara was in the house and she was working with Mac and she called Nathan weak and I lost it and I killed her" Tig asks "You what?" Roxy says "I know, but Mason turned up and he helped clean up the body" Tig palms his forehead and she says "I feel like shit, I think I'm gonna tell Mason the truth" Tig says "You cant Rox, if Mason finds out then Clay and Gemma and the others find out the truth" Roxy says with tears in her blue eyes "I've kept this secret hidden for 8 goddamn years, I cant keep lying to Mason and the family...Mason has a right to know that he isnt Nathan's Father. I'm lying to everyone, I'm lying to Jax, My Dad and Mom and Aiden and Juice and the guys and Mason and Kozik" Tig says "I know you feel guilty but this is for the best, you know what Clay and Jax would do if they find out the true identity of Nathan's Dad" Roxy says "I just want Nathan to have a Father like I do" Tig says as he softly looks to Roxy "Trust me Doll, this will only hurt everyone and the club. Nobody can know that Kozik is Nathan's Father except us, best to keep it the way it is. Let everyone think that Mason is Nathan's Dad, Kozik isnt Father material. The truth needs to stay buried it wont be good for anybody for it to get out. And besides he already has a Dad...Juice is his Dad" and Roxy nods and she sniffles and Tig envelopes Roxy into a hug and he kisses the top of her head and leans his chin on the top of her head.

Clay and Jax are in chapel when Roxy knocks on the door and Clay says aloud "C'mon in!" Roxy opens the door and Clay and Jax smile at her

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Clay and Jax are in chapel when Roxy knocks on the door and Clay says aloud "C'mon in!" Roxy opens the door and Clay and Jax smile at her. "
Roxy says "Nathan's fell asleep, must have been a big day for him. I just came in to tell you both something" Clay asks "Why do I not like the sound of this?" Roxy sits down in Tig's empty chair and says "Dont get angry but earlier today I went back home but there was a woman there her name was Klara. She was in a relationship with Mac and she said some hurtful shit, she called Nathan weak so I lost my cool and I killed him" Jax deeply sighs and asks "Wheres the body?" Roxy says "Mason handled the body" and Clay and Jax look at each other. Jax asks "Why was that Shithead there?" Roxy shrugs her shoulders and says "I dunno, he just showed up, anyway I'm sorry" Clay puffs at his cigar and says "Dont be, you did what you had to do to protect your kid, just like how I raised you. I'm proud of you" Roxy smiles grows wide and she stands up and says "Thank you" and she says "Oh and Juice told me that you killed Mac Dad, thank you" and Clay smiles up at Roxy and Roxy envelopes Clay into a hug and Clsy chuckles.

This is the end of Princess of Anarchy Season 1, but there will be a second season. Thank you for reading my fanfiction.

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