Season 1 Episode 17 - Keep Your Kids Close

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Roxy walks into the Teller - Morrow office to see it empty and she walks to the desk and sets her handbag down on the desk

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Roxy walks into the Teller - Morrow office to see it empty and she walks to the desk and sets her handbag down on the desk. Roxy notices a brown envelope addressed to her and Roxy's eyebrows furrow in confusion and she picks up the envelope as Opie walks in and Roxy glances at Opie and says "Hey Ope" Opie smiles "Hi Rox, you doing okay?" Roxy snaps "My Son is missing, what do you think?!" Opie looks down and Roxy rubs her forehead and sighs and she says "Opie, I'm sorry..I'm just on edge" Opie nods and he says "Yeah, I'd be going out of my mind if it was Ellie or Kenny..I'm here for you, whatever you need. All you need to do is ask" Roxy smiles and says "You always were like a Big Brother to me, thanks Ope. Keep your kids close to you, dont ever let em outta your sight" Opie nods and says "I wont, we will find the kid" and Roxy nods. Roxy looks down and opens the envelope and takes out a photograph of Nathan tied to a chair with his face badly beaten and it's a letter that says 'We have your Son if you want to see Nathan alive again call this number 5556312875' Roxy gasps and looks down in horror. Opie asks with concern "What is it?" Opie takes the photograph from her and she says "Nathan's hurt" and she lashes out and throws everything off the desk and she begins to cry and Opie pulls her in for a hug and Opie comforts her as she cries.

Roxy and Opie walk into the clubhouse and Clay says "Hey Princess" Roxy shakily holds out the photograph for Clay to take and Clay looks down at the photograph and his eyes cloud with anger

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Roxy and Opie walk into the clubhouse and Clay says "Hey Princess" Roxy shakily holds out the photograph for Clay to take and Clay looks down at the photograph and his eyes cloud with anger. All of the club members surround Clay and they all gasp Bobby says "What kind of sick ducks would do this?!" Roxy says "There was a letter, they want money and they want me to call them" Clay says "They picked on the wrong family"

Roxy presses her cell phone to her ear and after a moment Mac answers and he says "Hello?" Roxy says "This is Roxy, Roxy Morrow you have my Son, I want him back" Mac chuckles and says "Before we do that, we need to discuss money" Roxy shouts "I do...

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Roxy presses her cell phone to her ear and after a moment Mac answers and he says "Hello?" Roxy says "This is Roxy, Roxy Morrow you have my Son, I want him back" Mac chuckles and says "Before we do that, we need to discuss money" Roxy shouts "I dont give a shit about that! WHERE THE FUCK IS MY SON?!" Mac chuckles and says "You have quite the temper Miss Morrow" Roxy tries to calm herself down as she looks at Jax "What do you want?" Mac says "A grand, you have one hour meet me at the high school" and Mac hangs up. Roxy throws her cell phone in temper and Juice rubs her back and Clay asks "What does the bastard want?" Roxy says "A thousand, he says we have one hour then he wants his cash, have to meet him at the high school" Clay looks to the others and says "Let's go pay this Shithead a visit".

Clay and Jax and Opie and Chibs and Juice and Tig stop their motorcycles outside of a house and they all sit on their Harleys and look up at the house and Jax says "This must be it" Clay nods and says "Must be, c'mon kids let's go get my Grandson"...

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Clay and Jax and Opie and Chibs and Juice and Tig stop their motorcycles outside of a house and they all sit on their Harleys and look up at the house and Jax says "This must be it" Clay nods and says "Must be, c'mon kids let's go get my Grandson" and they all get off of the motorbikes and walk up to the house. As they approach the house the front door is wide open and Clay looks to the others and he takes out his gun and says "Let's go" and all of the club members follow Clay's lead and takes out their guns and walk inside the house. Clay says in a low voice "Chibs and Juice and Opie you go look upstairs, Jax and Tig you're with me" they all nod and they go their separate ways.

Roxy is sitting in the clubhouse at the bar as shes sitting on a barstool and she anxiously taps the lighter on the counter when Piney walks in with a hot cup of coffee as he walks towards her

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Roxy is sitting in the clubhouse at the bar as shes sitting on a barstool and she anxiously taps the lighter on the counter when Piney walks in with a hot cup of coffee as he walks towards her. "Hey Sweetheart" Roxy nods at Piney "Hey Old Man" Piney sets the cup down in front of Roxy on the counter and says  "I made you a cup of tea, just how you like it" and Roxy smiles at Piney and says "Thank you" Piney nods and says "Dont mention it Sweetheart". A moment later Roxy asks "Can I ask you something Piney?" Piney looks at Roxy and says "Since you have been a little girl what have I always told you? Hm? That you could ask me anything so ask away" Roxy bites her upper lip and asks "Do you think I'm crazy? Holding on to hope that we're gonna get him back, something is telling me that I'll never see him again, that I've lost him forever" Piney says "Now you listen to me and you listen good, I know you blame yourself for what happened I can see the guilt in you...but this ain't on you, it's on that junkie. We are gonna get Nate back trust me on that, you are gonna hold him again, you're gonna watch him grow up" and Roxy nods as a tear falls and Piney places his hand on Roxy's shoulders and says "You gotta hold on to hope, that's what keeps me going" and Roxy smiles as she wipes away her tears and says "You're the best Piney" and Piney smiles as he kisses the top of Roxy's head and says "Hey, you're Family...anytime" and Roxy nods and Piney says "Drink your coffee before it gets cold" and Roxy nods as she brings the cup to her lips and drinks her hot beverage.


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