I give control

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Kayla's POV

JA: Hey!! What are you doing?

Me: Nothing, just at the office.

JA: Wanna come over?

Me: You know I can't.

JA: After work instead of going home or to his house just come to mine.

Me: Joe I can't. I'll see you at work.

JA: You know that won't happen. You're always up under Paul's ass.

Me: I kinda have to be, I work for him. Duh! Lol

JA: You're his girlfriend. You are not his assistant. That's just what y'all say. You barely do any work, all you do is follow him around. When the show starts, while he's working, just slip away for a little bit.

Me: I'm sorry Joe, I can't.

JA: Are you scared of him or something?

Me: No.

JA: Am I still in your phone as "JA"?

Me: Joe, I'm not even supposed to be talking to you. If he finds out he's gonna kill me. I told you he doesn't want me talking to anyone, or you guys talking to me. You don't understand, I don't want to be disrespectful to him. You don't know what he's done for me. He helps me. I just don't want to piss him off.

JA: Was he giving you all of this "help" before or after he divorced Stephanie?

Me: This conversation is over. Don't text me again.

JA: I didn't mean it like that K. I'm sorry.

Me: Your career WILL end if you text me again Joe.

I send the text message and wait for a minute before I delete the thread. Putting my phone down, I take a sigh of relief.

"He didn't respond back." I say to myself, "Good."

Joe is literally one text message away from ending his career and probably ending my life. Paul checks my phone every day, to make sure I'm not doing anything I'm not supposed to be doing. I hate it but I get why he does it. I guess.

I know what you're thinking, "Isn't Triple H married to Stephanie?" Well, the answer to that question is, no. They've been divorced for about a year now. Paul filed for divorce saying they had irreconcilable differences but Paul and I talk, like we really talk and he told me the real reason was because she made him feel like he was less of a man because she made more money than he did. She would belittle him all the time and he basically hated her. He said the only reason he stayed in the marriage for as long as he did was because he was scared Vince was going to cut him out of the business and take everything from him. But since then, he's created NXT, he's secured his position and future with the company and as soon as he felt that it was the right time, he filed for divorce.

Paul and I got together almost a year ago. Yes, we knew each other before they got divorced but we only started dating three months after the divorce was finalized. There might've been a very little bit of an overlapping and we might've had dinners every now and then but Paul told me to just say it was business and it didn't become a personal relationship until three months later, which is actually mostly true.

I work under Paul as his personal and business assistant, I'm also an a/v tech for the company. But focusing on the assistant part, we go everywhere together and spend almost every second together. Which is how we got so close. When we met, I was just a student at Full Sail University. I was perusing my masters in film, when I met him on set of the NXT show. I was one of 5 students that was helping out for the week with the show to get hands on training. Nothing out of the ordinary for a Full Sail film student, we did this every week.

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