Close the door

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Kayla's POV

The next day, I woke up and of course I was asleep on him, leg over his and all. I'm determined to break this habit I have. I'm just so used to sleeping with Paul this way, it's hard to break.

Joe was knocked out. I feel so bad for him. I hate that that woman did that to him. That's so messed up. What kind of a person does that to someone?She's got some serious issues. If I ever get the chance to meet her, I want to give her a piece of my mind because he didn't deserve that. It was bad enough with the relationship stuff but then the baby, she needs her ass beat for that one.

I wanted to give Joe all the attention he needed and wanted. I wanted him to get through this. I know this wasn't going to take a day but I wanted to help. He was there for me when I needed him, so I'm going to be there for him when he needs me. He was a mess yesterday and I felt horrible I couldn't do anything to help.

I picked up my phone, off the nightstand and looked at all the texts and calls I missed. My phone had been on silent most of the day and all night. So I had many texts waiting for me. Of course, John texted a few times. I was sure he was never going to talk to me again.

Here's the thing with John, yes we connect and he seems to like me for me and definitely doesn't care about the whole Paul thing. He can't stand him. He approached me a little over a month ago, at the gym. I liked his look and he was very intriguing. We exchanged numbers and we texted and talked on the phone for a couple of weeks before he offered to take me on a date. Joe made it clear that he only wanted a friendship, so that's what I went off of. We were only friends. John and I have gotten really close over the last couple of weeks. We've been spending a lot of time together and it was nice. I loved it. And I like him. He didn't know anything about Joe, and that's why he was so surprised when he showed up at my house yesterday. I have to talk to him, just to see where his head is at. I don't want to hurt anyone and I need to be honest with him and I especially need to talk to Joe because he can't do this every time I have a male friend or when or if I get a boyfriend.

I responded to a few texts, then showered and got ready for the day.

Joe slept through all of this

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Joe slept through all of this. He's clearly tired, so I let him sleep. I decided I was going to go over to his house to get some clothes for him. I walked into his condo and went straight into his room. I didn't know how long he was going to be at my house, so I grabbed a few pairs of basketball shorts, T-shirt's, his boxers, a few pairs of socks and whatever toiletries I felt he might need. We had work tomorrow but I don't know if he's coming back to my house after.

I was putting everything in a duffel bag for him, when I heard someone close a door, scaring the shit out of me.

I whip around, seeing a tall, nice looking man.

"Does Joe know you're in his room?" The guy says walking into Joe's bedroom, "Who are you?"

"Does Joe know you're in his room?" The guy says walking into Joe's bedroom, "Who are you?"

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