Strike 3

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Joe's POV

It's been a couple of days since I've seen Tommy. He hasn't texted or called and I'm not that mad about that. He's put enough ideas in my head. The thing is, I'm not upset that he's expressing his feelings to me. I'm upset because I feel like he's trying to make it seem like Kayla is just like Christina. I know he's my boy, we're known each other since we were children and I know he's only looking out for me but at the same time, I'm grown and I don't need him looking out for me. I can handle the situation myself.

I've been trying to somewhat hide my feelings about the situation, especially towards Kayla. I don't want her to think my feelings for her has changed in anyway but Kayla knows something is up. She keep saying I'm acting differently towards her, which may be a little true because I have so many different things going on in my head. Things that Tommy put there. I'm trying to keep everything as normal as I can because I don't wanna talk to Kayla about it right now I don't feel that it's necessary because these are my own issues and they really have nothing to do with her but Innoway I kind of feel like I'm lying to her because I'm telling her everything is fine when it's not.

I just wish I could be the person that I was before I met Christina. I didn't force myself to try to see the good in people I just automatically assumed everyone had good intentions. Yeah that's a weird way of looking at things because there are some people out there who have bad intentions and really only want to do harm towards people and unfortunately, I came in contact with one of those people.

Ever since that situation, I have struggled with women. I've also struggled with some friendships and when I met Kayla, that was a struggle as well but I felt comfortable with her and we worked through that. Now all of my insecurities are coming back, which they never fully left but she made me feel secure and I didn't think about my problems as much.

I was on my way driving over to the Raymond James Stadium, trying to give myself a pep talk. I made Kayla stay at the house because didn't want any unnecessary drama. If Paul saw her with me, he would lose it and I just don't want those problems right now. I already have to deal with us coming off of a physical altercation so I'm already going to have my guard up and her being there it's just going to distract me.

"Okay, just go in there and do your job. Don't let this prick get under your skin. Just focus on the task at hand." I say to myself

I pulled up to the stadium and went into the building where they were holding the press conference. I walked in and took a seat. I'm not in the mood for this I have too much on my mind but I know I have to do this today.

If they wanted me, they could find me

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If they wanted me, they could find me. I'm trying to stay low key as possible until all this is over.

A few minutes later, I was briefed on what all was going to happen. They gave me a rundown on everything, told me when I would be going on stage to deliver my speech, when and who to take pictures with, then media. Simple.

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