Little Miss Gold Digger

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Kayla's POV

I was all moved into my condo. All of my clothes and everything was there. My bed had been delivered today and the rest of my furniture was going to be delivered tomorrow. Paul helped me move in, surprisingly. I think he just wanted to know where I was moving to. He wasn't fooling anyone.

After everything was done, I chilled out for a while until it was time to head over to Joe's house. It was 8:30 pm and he wanted me to be there around 9. So I got dressed, grabbed the bottle of Proper No. Twelve I got earlier and walked over to his building.

The closer I got to his door, the more I could hear them in his place

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The closer I got to his door, the more I could hear them in his place. It was music playing and sounded like it was a lot of people in there. I was nervous. These people don't know me like that and I felt like they weren't going to be nice. It's not like I needed them to but it would be nice if they did.

I knocked on his door and fixed my clothes while I waited. What if this was the wrong outfit? What if they're all in there dressed up and I have on this? I started second guessing myself but then he opened the door.

"Heeeyyyy!!" He says excitedly, then opens his arms to me, wanting a hug, "I was beginning to think you weren't coming

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"Heeeyyyy!!" He says excitedly, then opens his arms to me, wanting a hug, "I was beginning to think you weren't coming."

I step in a hug him for a few seconds, "No, I came."

"I'm glad you did." He says releasing me.

"I brought our favorite drink." I hold up the bottle.

"That's only for us." He says smiling, "Come in, let me introduce you to everyone."

I take a deep breath, "Okay."

We walk in, I follow behind him, almost hiding, "AYE!!!" He yells talking over everyone, getting their attention, "Everybody this is Kayla, Kayla this is everyone."

"Hi!" I wave at everyone and they say hi.

"Kayla this is my friend, Shay." He says and she extends her hand to me.

"Hey!" She says

"Hey!" She says

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