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Kayla's POV

After Paul left my place, I was so angry. He said he's going to make sure I regret my decision for breaking up with him. No I know I was going to be in some shit. He's going to do exactly what I thought he was going to do when he's going to get me fired from my job because he's taking this personally. I should've known this would happen though, it's not my fault that he's being as petty as he is but it is my fault that I decided to take a job knowing that I was involved with him but on a positive note, I can do what I want with who I want and whenever I want and not be tracked when I do it.

After my furniture was delivered later in the day, I called Joe, to fill him in on what happened.

"What's up girl?" He answers

"I did it."

"You broke up with him?"  He asks


"I'm happy for you. How did he take it?" He asks

"He didn't take it well but he took it better than I thought. Besides him telling me I was going to regret my decision, I think it went well." I say

He laughs, "Wow, how are you feeling?"

"I'm okay. I've just been getting my place together and taking time for myself all day." I say looking at the mess around my room.

"Well, you'll let me know if you need anything?"

"Of course. You've been so understanding with me. I appreciate that Joe. Thank you."

"Hey you talk like you aren't going to see me anymore. Call me whenever you want. I'm just next door." He says

"I didn't mean it like that. You've just been a really good friend, considering the circumstances." I say

"That's what I'm here for. Do you need anything now?" He asks

"No, I'm just gonna get things situated here, for the rest of the night. It's my first night here, my first night on my own period." I say feeling a little uneasy.

"First night period?"

"Yeah, I always had a roommate in college and he bought me my condo but he was there all the time. I would start the night out my myself but he always came by." I say

"Well you can definitely let me know if you need company then. I'll bring our bottle and we can have one of the many nights we've been having since we met."

"That's nice but I'm going to try to do this on my own." I say

"Still call if you need to." He says

"I will. Thanks Joe."

"I'll talk to you later." He says then we end the call.

I tried making some sense of the mess in my room and condo but I felt like I was just moving it around and I wasn't accomplishing anything. It was around 11 pm and I was overwhelmed. I decided to take a break and watch tv. I got bored after a few minutes, I got up and looked out of my living room window, to enjoy the view and Joe fell on my mind.

Good ol Joe Anoa'i, sexy ol Joe Anoai. Well, I am single now and he said as long as I was with Paul, he wouldn't touch me. Well, I'm not with him anymore, he can touch me all he wants. I do wanna know how big it is. Lol I wanna get over Paul, what better way to do so. Right? I don't know. I could be pushing it. But I also don't have to hide behind my relationship anymore, I can actually show my real feelings now. I like him. Why not act on it.

I laugh to myself. What the hell, I'm gonna call him. I get my phone and call. I was about to hang up but he answers after a few rings. It was kinda late.

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