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Kayla's POV

The next day, I woke up next to Joe. We stayed up all night talking in the guest room, which was the room I was sleeping in. We were facing each other and my leg was over his.

"I have to stop sleeping like this." I say to myself as I move my leg from over his.

Joe smiles, "Habits are hard to break."

I laugh, "Shut up."

He finally opens his eyes and looks at me, "Just so were clear, you were touching me, I wasn't touching you."

"I know, I know. I'll let it slide this time." I smile

He puts his hands behind his head and crosses his legs, "We didn't get to really talk last night, how's everything going with you and Paul?"

"Well the last time we saw each other, which was on Tuesday, I was telling him that I thought the relationship was a lost cause. We got into a big argument that night and I woke up and got my furniture for my apartment situated. When I got back, he had this nice dinner planned out for me. I don't know, I guess he thought things were going to go a certain way. I let him now I was pretty set and my decision and after a lot of awkward silence, he walked out on me in the middle of our dinner." I say

"You're done huh?"

"I'm done."

"Good!" He puts his hand on my leg, "I'm happy for you but as a friend I got to say, don't go back because it's going to be the same shit."

"I know. I'm just scared to see how things are going to be on Monday, hell, tomorrow."

"Are you supposed to work the weekend?" He asks

"Yeah, I just hope he doesn't change it."

"Well, hopefully he does, that'll give you another excuse to spend more time with me again." He smiles

"Maybe." I sigh dramatically, "He was my first serious relationship, he was my only relationship. I've only ever been with one other person and that was who I lost my virginity to but we weren't in a relationship. I've only been with Paul. That's why I'm trying so hard to make this relationship work but I realized that there is no saving it."

He sits up and puts his hand on my lap, "Well baby, if you feel it's worth saving, then save it but if not, then don't. Don't keep thinking about it and going back and forth with your decision."

"I know. I just need to keep busy. That will keep my mind off of it." I say

"I can keep you busy alright." He says smiling and rubbing my thigh.

I laugh, "I'm sure you can." I remove his hand from my thigh and he lays back down.

"But Seriously Kayla, you need someone who's going to treat you right. And what's so crazy is, you're 26 years old and you don't know any better." He stops talking and shakes his head, then he sits back up in the bed. He looked like he had something to say but didn't want to.

"What? Talk to me." I ask wondering why he stopped talking.

"It just pisses me off that he would take advantage of you like that." He sighs, "I'm only going to say this once because you guys are still together but I just wish you would break up with him. Find someone who can treat you a whole lot better than he can. And honestly, I don't even know if that's me, I'm still damaged from my past. But I just think someone like you deserves to be happy."

"Thank you. But you don't? We both have been through a lot and we both deserve to be treated right. Not just me. You do too." I say

"I hear what you're saying. I just don't know how ready I am. That's why I said it might not be me but I know that's what you need." He says

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