I want out

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Joe's POV

After we left the venue, we headed back to our hotel. The show was starting in about 15 minutes and people were already calling and texting me asking where I was, why did I leave and asking if I was coming back.

Kayla was lying down on the bed, she wasn't feeling well. I was on my phone texting and reading emails from the company. Reading, not responding. I don't have anything to say to them. I already felt relieved because I had walked out and I was starting to feel the stress leaving my body as well. I've been dealing with this shit long before Kayla came along and now I knew the reason.

Stephanie and I have never had anything going on between us romantically. We've always had a friendship and that's it. We've been friends for years, before I even signed with WWE, because our parent knew each other. I think Paul was just making shit up as he went along because he wanted to have an actual reason for not liking me. Honestly, I don't think he does.

I swing my feet over and put them up on the bed, crossing them at the ankles. I reach over with my left hand and begin rubbing Kayla's stomach, while still looking at my phone. This is what I'm taking about, relaxing with my beautiful wife. No worries at all. If they keep messing around, I might get comfortable and I won't come back at all.

My phone began to ring in my hand. I look and see it's Colby calling.

"Hello?" I answer

"What's up man, you left?" I hear him say on the other side of the phone.


"What happened?" He asks, sounding concerned.

"I beat Paul's ass and walked out. Do you know that motherfucker contacted Christina and Tommy, had them trying to break us up, paid them and everything." I say somewhat letting out my frustrations.

"What? You're lying. I don't believe you." He says

"I wish I was and get this, the baby Christina was pregnant with when we were together was his, not mine." I explain

"What?" He says in disbelief. "What a bitch?" He asks

"She just told me it was mine because she wanted to get back with Paul."

"Huh? Get back with Paul, they dated?" He says, confused.

"Oh..." I laugh because I forgot to tell him that part. "I forgot to tell you, yes they dated. While we were together."

"What the hell is going on?" He says in disbelief. "That's crazy, man!"

"I know it is. I just can't believe so much information was given in that wannabe business meeting, my head was spinning. You know what else happened?"

"Oh god, what?" He says

"That bitch had the nerve to say Stephanie and I had an affair and was supposedly a reason they got divorced."

He laughs, "What the hell is he talking about? That guy is delusional."

"I know he is. After I was done hearing all of that bull crap, I told him to get up so I could beat his ass." I say

"Wait, on the business side of things, what happened?" He asks

"Oh, he wanted me to sign, didn't sign the contract and I told him I wasn't signing shit."

"Man, that's heavy." Is all he says

"He's only doing this because he wants Kayla back. He hasn't accepted that she isn't coming back."

"Did you tell him you guys got married?"

"Yes, that's what set him off."

"Wow! So what are you going to do?" He asks

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