No Contract

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Joe's POV

Colby, Becky, Kayla and I were in Dallas, TX. We flew in Monday night, after we walked out on Raw. Tuesday, we plotted. No one knew we were here, or knew what we were doing. We were out of our contracts, so we were free to go anywhere, or show up anywhere we wanted.

While we went out, Kayla stayed at the hotel because she wasn't feeling well. Plus, I wanted her to stay off of her feet. We headed to the American Airlines center. Once we got into the parking lot, we park and sat in the car, talking for a few minutes before we went in.

"You know once we go inside and do this, there's no turning back. This was my plan from the beginning, so if you guys don't want to follow through with this, then it's okay. I have to look out for myself and Kayla, we're a family now. She's pregnant and I have to provide for my family." I say looking over at Colby, who's sitting in the passenger seat.

"Nah man, everything is cool. You know we've been unhappy for a while and we've been wanting to leave. You just gave us a push." He says

"I didn't think it would get to this point, but I had to do something." I say

"It's all good. Don't stress." Becky says, then she hands us our tickets and we get out the car. I put my ticket in my back jeans pocket, while walking around to the trunk of the car, popping it. The only thing in the trunk was a black duffel bag. Becky and Colby walk around to the trunk as well and I begin pulling the items out of the bag. I give a hoodie and mask to Becky and one to Colby. I put my hoodie and mask on and flip up the hood.

"We look like we're about to rob the place." Becky says

"Well, the place is too big to rob." I say seriously.

"Do we really want to do this?" Becky says

"Second thoughts?" I ask

"No, just making sure this is really about to happen." She says

"We're here, there's nothing to lose."

"I'm ready!" Colby says pulling his mask over his face and walking towards the building.
Becky follows behind him.

"Let's piss some people off." I say, then I close the trunk, lock the doors and follow them.

We walk up to the building, go through security, they scan our tickets and we're in. The few people who were on the concourse, getting food and drinks, stopped and stared at us, thinking we were apart of the show. They didn't know who we were. We had masks on, with black hoodies. We stood out in a major way.

We walked over to section 111 and stopped. I hear a familiar voice on the mic. My good friend's voice. I haven't shared the ring with him in what seems like forever. Man I've missed him. He was standing in the ring with Kenny Omega, and the Young Bucks. Never really liked him, but I've also never met the guy.

We follow Becky into the arena, walked down the stairs, without anyone making a huge scene. They probably thought we were random people and not Becky Lynch, Seth Rollins and Roman Reigns. Well now we're, Becky Knox, Colby Black and The Big Dog aka, me, Joe Anoai. WWE owns those names, so we can't use them. Good riddance.

"See Kenny, I have a little surprise for you." Jon says.

We get to the barricade, jump it and that's when everyone finally notices us. We walk to the south side of the ring (where the announcers table is) and we stand there waiting for our cue.

"You got your two little minions standing behind you and you think because I don't need nobody that I don't have nobody. Well I brought a few friends of my own." Jon says pointing at us and that's our cue.

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