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Summary: Six years ago, Marcos' dying father rejects his son because he was a mutant. In the present, he is kidnapped by the Frosts to cure baby Dawn's jaundice. As Lauren and Reed return from a supply run, Reed's powers manifest, melting the steering wheel and causing them to crash. Jace Turner heads to D.C., despite what he told his wife and checks out the scene, glimpsing the Struckers and realizing they are not dead like the authorities believe. The police refuse to listen because of his dismissal from SS. Marcos is able to cure his daughter. He briefly overcomes the Frosts' telepathy to try and fight for his family, but he is disarmed by Reeva and she removes him from Inner Circle headquarters. Johnny and Clarice search for Erg's group in the sewers. Erg tells Clarice that mutants live down there away from everyone else. Erg offers information if Clarice agrees to be his spy on the surface. Reed confesses his powers to Caitlin, which also melted their information on the Inner Circle. Clarice finds that the Frosts were looking into the Health Department. Marcos returns swearing revenge, as Reeva prepares for the next phase of her plans.


Dawn has the worse case of Jaundice that the Inner Circle doctor has ever seen. She’s not eating, she is sleeping alot and the doctor’s machines aren’t doing any good.  Polaris wants to get Marcos because his power could save the baby. The Frosts are completely against the idea. They know Marcos doesn’t agree with their philosophies. He could persuade Polaris to return to the MU. However, Reeva agrees with Polaris and orders the Frosts to find Marcos.

It’s a good thing the MU is close by.  John tells Clarice about Erg and his intentions on finding this mutant. Marcos arrives to help, but John tells him to stay behind. The whole city saw his light show. John is angry and tells Marcos to go back to bed. Clarice says John has been acting weird. He tries to play it off like he’s been training. She knows there’s more than just training too hard, but can’t get John to open up to her.

Reed tries to leave quickly, but Caitlin stops him to apologize for their fight the day before. He apologizes too. Caitlin says she’s worried about Lauren. Reed says he will talk to Lauren when he returns home. She suggests taking Lauren with him on his supply run so they can talk.

Andy checks in on Polaris and Dawn. He says he heard that Marcos is coming and asks if that’s the best idea. Polaris says it’s for Dawn. She can handle a few moments with Marcos. Andy wonders if Dawn is a mutant. They won’t know until she’s old enough to manifest.

Marcos sits at diner, playing with the baby rattle he made when hears someone calling his name. He goes outside and finds a familiar black vehicle. The Frost sisters show up and tell him there’s something wrong with the baby. He gets in the SUV and they blindfold him along the way. The Frost also discover that Marcos blames himself for Polaris leaving.

Reeva asks Andy why he’s hiding. He knew Marcos was visiting so he planned to hide in his room. He was friends with Marcos before. That’s why Reeva needs Andy by her side when Marcos arrives. She says it’s easy to stand up to an enemy. She needs people who can stand up to their friends.

When Marcos arrives, Reeva sets a lot of guidelines for him to follow. When Marcos tries to speak out against her, Andy backs her up, saying Marcos should be thankful that he’s there. Polaris is with the baby and getting more worried.

Marcos walks in. He tries to talk to Polaris about his journey to find her, but she only wants him to help Dawn. In Spanish her name would be Aurora. Marcos holds his daughter for the first time. He uses his powers to heal her.

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