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Summary: Fourteen years ago, Clarice and her foster sister Lilly escape their abusive foster father, but Lilly goes back to save the other foster children and is killed. In the present, Evangeline arrives and is pleased Lorna is their spy. She coerces Erg to come to the Underground meeting; he and Evangeline founded and led the Mutant Underground together until a human ally betrayed them, and he left to form the Morlocks. The Inner Circle's recruits are sent on a mission to kill Evangeline and the other Underground leaders. Despite Lorna's warning, Johnny and company are too late to save them. With Johnny determined to keep fighting, Clarice tearfully leaves to join the Morlocks. Caitlin and Lauren reach out to Caitlin's brother Danny for government intelligence on the Purifiers and Reeva. He can only tell them the government is compromised before Lauren has to fight off SS agents so she and Caitlin can escape. The Frosts discover the dream link between Andy and Lauren, convincing him to attempt to persuade Lauren to join their side by telling him it will save his family; actually their intent is to increase the Inner Circle's power.


Marcos and Lorna witnessed a secret meeting between Reeva Page and Benedict Ryan. Marcos tells Lorna that it's too dangerous for her to return to the Inner Circle, but it will raise suspicions if she doesn't. He tells her about Evangeline's call for the Underground to meet. Lorna is glad to hear it, but doesn't think the Underground is any match for the Inner Circle. They need to find out what Reeva has planned first.

The next day, the team meet with Evangeline. She's happy to hear the Lorna is on board, but warns the team to protect her. They have to make sure the Inner Circle never learns of her meetings with Marcos. She says they need as many people as they can get and that includes the Morlocks. Clarice scoffs at the thought of the Morlocks joining the war, but Evangeline says Erg owes her a favor for saving his life.

Caitlin and Reed talk about Benedict Ryan. They feel like they need to find more information about him, the Purifiers, and Inner Circle. Caitlin's brother, Danny works for Homeland Security. She decides to visit him to ask him to get any information he can. Lauren volunteers to go with her.

Lauren has been translating the letter she found in the music box. It was written by Andreas von Strucker. He says he was on a mission to free his people from bondage, which the reader should continue. As for Fenris, there are two sides always in conflict: the lightness and the darkness. Once both sides know the power of the other and embrace the opposing force, then they will be whole.

Lauren falls asleep and dreams with Andy. She says Andy is going down a dark path, but Andy says she doesn't know what she's talking about. Lauren says she knows more than he thinks and she knows more about Fenris. She has been training as well and is more powerful. Andy tells her to prove it. Lauren throws her blades and is able to throw Andy backward so hard that he wakes up with a bloody nose.

The Frost sisters hear Andy screaming and run to check on him. He tells them about his dreams with Lauren. He says she is getting stronger. Esme says it's not safe for him or Lauren if they are having dreams in their training room. It's time for Lauren to join the Inner Circle. Andy isn't sure he could convince her, but the Frosts say they could help him. They tell him to think about it. After the leave his room, Esme tells her sisters that they have to be careful how they play this one or risk losing Andy. Lauren is becoming dangerous. If she doesn't join the Inner Circle, she has to die.

John, Clarice, and Marcos retrieve Erg to go to the Underground meeting. Caitlin and Lauren are on their way to Atlanta. That leaves Reed at home alone. He looks at the music box in Lauren room and opens it up. The music brings back a memory of when Reed was younger. He found the music box buried in the wall. His powers activate and Reed throws the box down. He finds the letter with Lauren's translation.

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