no Mercy

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The pieces are slowly coming together on. The Inner Circle is robbing a bank and everyone knows their part. Reeva Payge has made it clear that she will not accept failure. She wasn't always so strict. She used to be a community leader who wanted to work with the humans to coexist. A friend of hers started to change things when mutants were being denied housing in their neighborhood. The discrimination and violence against mutants became too much for them both. Reeva was forced to watch her friend die at the hands of a drunk human.

Reeva goes over the plan with Polaris, Andy, the Frost Sisters and newcomer Rebecca. She tells them to use violence as a last resort. Rebecca is a little nervous. Her job is to flip the vault and she's afraid she's not strong enough to do it. Andy encourages her and says he believes in her.


Meanwhile Reed has been unable to turn off his powers since. Lauren helps him, but shielding his powers from the things he touches. He tells Lauren and Caitlin that he can't stay there. He's afraid that he will burn everything up.

Caitlin takes the issue to John, Clarice, and Marcos. No matter where they moved Reed, he will do some damage. Clarice suggests they take him to the Morlocks, but Caitlin says no. Caitlin says the clinic has been shut down since the Purifiers attacked it. It may the safest place because no one is there. John agrees and they prepare to move.

Marcos welds metal to the inside of an ambulance for Reed. While John is looking for scrap metal, Marcos asks Clarice about where her loyalties lie, with them or with the Morlocks. Clarice gets angry and reminds Marcos that he’s the one with side deal with the cartel. And his girlfriend ended up working for the enemy. She says the Underground isn’t doing so well. They could use some new allies.

Jace tries to call his wife, but her lawyer won’t let him talk to her. Officer Wilson comes in and Jace hangs up the phone. Wilson says taking down the mutant station in Baltimore turned some heads. One of the top level leaders wants to meet Jace but first, he has to be tested for the X gene.

Wilson takes Jace to meet Benedict Ryan, TV personality. Ryan commends Jace for his job at Baltimore. He says he has a plan to take back America. He wants Jace to be on his show and denounce Sentinel Services. Jace says he has his issues with Sentinel Services but there are still good people who work there. Ryan says the need someone to sell the message that now is the time for real change. Jace says he’s not their guy.

They leave and Wilson gets angry with Jace for turning Ryan down. Jace says he won’t sell out his friends. Wilson asks where his friends are now. Where were they after Atlanta? If he wants to show his wife that he’s not a broken down agent then he has to change the future.

Reeva has dinner with a man she’s been dating named Quinn. However, Quinn works for Creed Financial. Quinn believes Reeva has saved him after his wife died. He even says his kids are happy that he’s smiling again. They leave dinner and the Frosts show up to take Quinn. The Inner Circle is going to use Quinn to turn off the mutant detection system at Creed bank. They take him back to HQ to prep him on his duties.

Reeva explains to Quinn that he has no choice but to help them. She threatens the safety of his kids if he doesn’t comply. Quinn doesn’t quite understand, so Reeva explains that Creed finances mutant hate group. She is a mutant and must do everything to protect her people. To Quinn, the bank is just a job. He doesn’t hate mutants. He begs her not to hurt his kids and she agrees. But was their romance real? Reeva wishes it were.

Polaris pulls Esme aside and asks her to stay behind. She needs Esme to watch over Dawn in case something bad happens. Of course Esme agrees.  At the same time, Reeva retrieves Quinn and gives him a flash drive that will link the Inner Circle to the bank. He tries to appeal to her softer side to let him go. He says she cared about him and she has a good heart. She says that is why he will go home safely to his family when it’s all over. She’s not a monster unless she needs to be. The rest of the team assembles, including a still nervous Rebecca. Esme tells Polaris not to worry.

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