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Summary: Sixteen years ago, Caitlin refuses to terminate her pregnancy of Andy even though it represents a high risk for both of them. In the present, the Underground, seeking a hacker's help again, discover that the Frosts have killed Wire. The Underground kidnaps his brother Graph, who refuses to help them until Caitlin exploits his addiction to Kick. Graph discovers the Inner Circle is attacking an old mental hospital where Lorna was held years ago. Lauren, Marcos, Johnny and Clarice go to stop them. When Sage blocks Graph's hacking, Caitlin gives him more Kick, which induces a near-fatal overdose. Johnny and Clarice confront Lorna in the facility and she releases the other patients to cover her escape. As the Inner Circle tries to escape with a patient, Marcos and Lauren block them. Andy rejects his sister and blasts them away, knocking Lauren out. His parents are devastated and Reed's powers violently manifest again. On television, the hospital staff confess to inhumane treatment of their patients and the attack is seen as a rallying point for mutant rights. Jace's wife leaves him because he refuses to move on and he is approached by the Purifiers, who he ultimately joins when he sees news of the hospital incident.


Clarice and John found Erg, but he’d only talk to Clarice. They made a deal, Erg will provide Clarice with information and she would be his eyes above ground.

Caitlin has been so worried about Andy, as any mother would be in this situation. What we don’t know is that when Caitlin was pregnant with Andy, there was a complication that threatened her life. The only advice the doctor gave her was to terminate the pregnancy to save her life. Caitlin refused. She was confident that she and Andy would be fine. So essentially, Caitlin has been fighting for Andy since before he was born. 

However, she also needs to pay attention to her daughter Lauren. Caitlin and Reed apologize to Lauren for not realizing Lauren’s needs when it comes to Andy. Reed also tells her that he is telling John about his powers. Lauren assures them that she’s okay. She also tells them that her dreams aren’t nightmares. It’s a sign that she’s the only person who can bring her brother home.

The Struckers meet with John, Marcos and Clarice about their next move. Marcos tells everyone what went down when he was in the Inner Circle’s headquarters. He says Andy and Polaris are believers in Reeva’s vision. Caitlin wants to know what the Inner Circle is up to. Marcos suggests the seek help from Wire to find out why the Frosts were installing cable under the health department. Clarice thinks its a bad idea, but no one has any other ideas.

John, Marcos, and Clarice leave to find Wire. Reed stops John and tells him about his powers manifesting. John suggests that Reed train to control the powers, but Reed wants to suppress the powers for good. John explains that he can’t stop the powers because they are a part of him. Reed asks if there are medications he can take to keep them at bay, but John says Reed doesn’t want to go down that path. They have to talk when John returns.

The trio arrives at Wire’s place as Clarice continues to complain about the bad idea. John says unless she can come up with a better plan, this is it. Marcos is determined to get his Polaris and his daughter back so they have to try. Marcos tries to open the door, but it’s locked. John can hear someone on the other side so they try to knock. The person on the other side starts shooting at them, hitting John. John can take the hit, but it knocks him back. He is able to smash open the door and finds one man inside. John tries to talk to the man, but gets shot again. When the man reloads the gun, Marcos comes in and blinds him with his bright lit hands. John grabs the gun and knocks out the guy. The police are coming so they take the man with them.

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