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Summary: Jace realizes the Mutant Underground has a base in Baltimore. He sends the Purifiers bomb a church to flush people out. Reed, Clarice, Marcos and Johnny go to help out, reuniting with several mutants from Atlanta, including Shatter and Pedro. The Purifiers attack, handing over Pedro to SS. Jace kills Shatter in the attack. Reed melts a wall for the others to escape but then cannot turn off his power. Lauren and Caitlin track a former doctor of the mental hospital, learning Rebecca used her powers to kill her family by turning their skulls inside out. Lorna grows frustrated with Reeva hiding the plan so Esme shows her the bank they plan to attack, which has mutant detecting technology. Lorna seems to like Esme but attacks her when she realizes Esme was in baby Dawn's mind. Esme apologizes, revealing she and her sisters were quintuplet clones created as weapons. They killed their handlers at age 13, but the other two sisters, Celeste and Mindee were killed-the remaining triplets felt them die. Esme swears to protect Lorna and Dawn, and Lorna stays with the Inner Circle.


The Inner Circle are planning something big, but not everyone knows the plan.  Rebecca, a mutant who can turn things…and people inside out, joined the team last week. It took a minute, but after Andy took her on a date, Rebecca joined the team. Lauren was really upset after her confrontation with Andy. Meanwhile, the mutant friendly clinic where Caitlin worked was ambushed by the Purifiers, led by Jace Turner. Jace is trying to change the reputation of the Purifiers from a hate group to the saviors of the human race.

When the Frost sisters were thirteen,  a doctor tested their powers on mutants to find other mutants. A young Esme tried to protest, knowing she was hurting people. The doctor forced them to extract information, even as Esme cries.

The present day starts at the Inner Circle HQ. The Frosts are restricted to last year’s fashions because Marcos burned Esme’s arm. Andy and Rebecca flirt over breakfast and Polaris sings to her daughter. Andy interrupts to let Polaris know Reeva wants them to train. Polaris is annoyed with training and Reeva, but she goes anyway.

Lauren recovers from her concussion. Caitlin asks her to go to meet with the sympathetic doctor from Lynwood. Reed wants to go to, but Caitlin encourages him to train with John. He doesn’t like using his powers, but Caitlin says the anxiety meds aren’t working anymore. He has to learn to use his powers now.

Andy and Lauren meet in a dream in the Inner Circle training room. He apologizes for hurting her and tells her not to get in her way again. Andy tries to convince Lauren to join the Inner Circle. He says they can do things the MU can’t imagine. Lauren sees the safe that Rebecca turned inside out. She touches it and her finger starts to bleed. When she wakes up, her finger is still bleeding.

Jace informs the Purifiers that he traced some mutants to Baltimore. If they are going to go after these mutants, they have to be smarter in their tactics. They can’t go in there to hurt or kill anyone. He reminds them that the world looks at the Purifiers as a hate group. If they want the public on their side, they have to do things peacefully. The leader of the Purifier chapter, Officer Wilson agrees and orders the rest of the group to follow Jace’s orders.

Polaris, Andy and Rebecca easily defeat the holographic simulation as Reeva and the Frosts watch. After the training is over, Polaris wants to know what the master plan is, but Reeva says she is on a need to know basis. Polaris expresses her annoyance with Reeva, the plan and the fact that she has barely spent any time her daughter. Either Reeva shares the plan details or Polaris walks.

Reeva is upset that Polaris doesn’t trust them. Esme reminds them all that Polaris is used to being a leader. They asked her to join them and believe in their cause. They have no choice but to trust her or lose her.  Reeva agrees to let the Frosts handle Polaris. She leaves, but makes a phone call to someone and reminds them if anything goes wrong, the consequences for that person are far greater.

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