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Summary: One year ago, Rebecca's parents turn her in to Sentinel Services. In the present, Andy disagrees with Reeva imprisoning Rebecca as the humans did. He decides to free Rebecca and run, but she wants to kill the entire Inner Circle instead; Andy accidentally kills her in the process of thwarting her attack. Johnny, Marcos and Clarice kidnap an analyst from Regimen. Clarice leaves John after his obsession with stopping the Inner Circle causes a manhunt for all mutants in the area. The analyst reveals Regimen controls every mutant prison collar in the country. Fade arrives and kills the analyst on Reeva's orders but is captured by Johnny and Marcos. The Purifiers find them, and Johnny stays behind so Marcos and Fade can escape, which leads to his capture by Jace. Lauren convinces her parents to destroy Madeline's research, while Madeline reveals Lauren's DNA has two strains of the X-gene. Madeline and Noah stop the Struckers, but after Madeline says mutants, including Noah and Lauren, should not have been born, Noah turns on her and destroys the research so the Struckers can escape. Lorna and Andy destroy the Regimen servers, freeing every incarcerated mutant in the country.


We start off with a flashback to Rebecca's life before being locked up. It was her parents that called Sentinel Services on her. She did something that injured a teacher at school. Her parents recognized how dangerous she is and had her locked up. The first thing Sentinel Services did was put a restraint collar on her neck to keep her from using her powers against them.

Back to the present, Reeva put Rebecca in a spinning chamber to keep her from using her almost the same thing. Reeva still has plans to use Rebecca, but knows she is more dangerous out in the world. Andy doesn't like it. He can hear her screaming in the chamber and it's causing him to withdraw from everyone else. But Reeva is content to let her continue to scream.

The rest of the Strucker family is still in North Carolina with Dr. Madeline Risman. Lauren tells her parents about Madeline's research to get rid of the X gene for good. At first, Reed doesn't believe her, but then she tells him that Madeline's brother founded the Purifiers. Both Rismans want to get rid of mutants, but Madeline is using science instead of violence. Caitlin thinks they need Madeline or Reed will die, but Reed is ready to sacrifice his life for other mutants. They all agree to destroy the research.

Meanwhile, the Mutant Underground gang got information that the Inner Circle would be hitting the Regimen Technologies next. John is literally obsessed with stopping the Inner Circle. He enlists Marcos help, despite the fact that Marcos just said goodbye to his infant daughter. Marcos was only convinced to help because John says they are doing this for Dawn, but he wants to take the first shot at Reeva Page.

The purifiers meetings have grown. They even have people video conferencing in to hear Jace Turner speak. Jace tells the group that this Mutant  Uprising is terrorism. It's up to them to do something about it now. They are starting a human militia to stop mutant violence before it spreads.

The Strucker play along with Madeline for the time being. Caitlin is able to lift some of the medicine that Madeline uses to suppress Reed's powers. She starts asking questions about Reed's powers. Madeline says Reed's power release energy. The medicine blocks the energy so when it wears off, Reed gets a massive release of power. With Lauren's DNA, they should be able to find a way to turn it off. Madeline finds that Lauren has two versions of the X-gene and wants Andy to come in for testing too. Reed and Caitlin inform her that Andy no longer lives with them and they have seen in months.

Meanwhile Lauren sweet talks the lab assistant Noah into showing her where her blood is being stored. Noah is a little hesitant at first, but likes that Lauren is interesting in the process...and in him. While in the storage room, Noah shows Lauren the pump he wears that injects the suppressing medicine. He is grateful to Madeline because she made his feel like he belonged when his family abandoned him. The research is important to him because he wants to be normal, and Lauren understands that. When they leave the storage room, Lauren tampers with the lock.

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