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Summary: In 1985, after his sister's death, Andreas Von Strucker has the music box altered and leaves something behind after killing a shop owner with a powered sword. In the present, Reeva gathers new recruits to the Inner Circle but their sadistic past makes Lorna realize Reeva must be stopped. Lauren studies the Von Struckers, dreaming Andrea's death by being shot and mirroring Andrea's power of turning her barriers into cutting disks. Caitlin approves of this to take down the Inner Circle, though Reed is upset when Lauren risks exposure to distract cops that appear at their home. Lauren later intimidates the landlord (who called the police) with her powers, after finding hair samples from both Original Fenris in the music box. Benedict Ryan sends the Purifiers out and they invade a youth shelter, which is said to house mutants. While Jace seems remorseful, he decides to cover up his partner killing a mutant teen in cold blood; he is seen as a hero in the media but cannot face his ex-wife. Marcos and Clarice seek Erg for a tip. Lorna and Marcos reunite as a couple. Evangeline Whedon calls Johnny to gather the Mutant Underground. Investigating the tip, Lorna and Marcos see Reeva meet with Benedict Ryan.


When the Struckers were in North Carolina, Dr. Madeline Risman gave them a music box that belonged to Andrea Von Strucker. In 1985, Andreas Von Strucker had the box restored with some modifications. Now Lauren is obsessed with the box.

She listens to the box as she researches the Von Strucker family. She has been training a lot as well. Reed is concerned. He thinks fighting next to Andy has changed her. Caitlin thinks Lauren is fine, in fact, she encourages Lauren’s stronger stance. They are planning on taking down the Inner Circle and she wants Lauren to be ready for anything.

The Struckers tells Marcos and Clarice about wanting to take down the Inner Circle. They just got John back and he’s still recovering. They’re not sure they can handle another fight so soon. Marcos says the Underground is quiet. A lot of mutants have fled in fear of the Purifiers. He says there may be some people still around and volunteers to check the nearby stations to see who’s left.

Polaris is also a little distracted after last week’s big rescue. She kissed Marcos before saying goodbye again and that’s all she can think about. Andy informs her that Reeva has recruited new members of their team. They go to the training room to check them out.

Reeva tries to initiate the new recruits, but they don’t feel like they need training. They demonstrate how the three of them work together to create devastating explosions. Reeva asserts her authority by using her mega-voice. She tells them to do things her way, or they can put a collar back on them. Andy thinks the new recruits are super cool, but Polaris isn’t as excited. She recognizes the recruits as terrorists.

Polaris voices her concern with Reeva, but Reeva is fully aware of who they are and what they’ve done. She says the Purifier membership has risen by 70%. Any human without the x-gene is a threat to their livelihood. She needs people who will scare off anyone who wants to hurt mutants. Polaris asks if she’s out of the plan now. Reeva reminds her that she’s royalty. Her job is to rebuild the world that they have to destroy first.

Lauren puts her computer away to go to sleep but leaves the music box on. She starts tossing and turning, throwing blades across the room. Her dream is about the Von Struckers. They are trapped outside of a stone wall. People are shooting at them. They grab hands to become Fenris. Someone shoots Andrea and she dies.

Caitlin and Reed hear a crash and run in to check on Lauren. Caitlin tries to wake up Lauren, but she keeps swinging her arms. Reed shuts the music box and Lauren wakes up. They ask if she was dreaming about Andy, but she wasn’t. Lauren says she doesn’t remember the dream. The building supervisor knocks on their door. Reed tries to cover, saying his daughter had a seizure. The supervisor is worried about mutants, but Reed assures him that they are not mutants.

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