Chapter Two ~ Patton

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{Possible trigger warnings: some mentions of Virgil's anxiety acting up

If I miss something, I apologize and please let me know}

Patton was so excited to meet his potential new roommates. He didn't know if they were both going to be there or if it was just going to be the one but the prospect had him bouncing up and down on his toes.

It seemed that Virgil, sitting next to him on the bus, was much less excited. Patton knew why, and he'd tried to talk to his friend about it, but the younger man had just brushed it off and sunk down in his seat.

He checked his phone again, seeing a message from the owner of the apartment they were visiting. They'd been talking back and forth a bit for the past couple days and Patton just knew they were going to get along perfectly. 

This man was the one who had posted the listing, and planned on still living in the apartment, but felt that so many rooms being empty would be a waste of space.

"What do you think Logan will be like?" Patton asked Virgil, pocketing his phone.

Virgil shrugged, the fuzzy hood of his jacket nearly touching his ears with the way he had buried himself in it. "He seems like a pretty serious guy."

Patton frowned for a moment, then grinned and peered out the window. "I think he'll be friendly. He'd have to be, to post a listing for roommates, right?"

Virgil grunted.

The bus stopped at a corner and Patton grabbed Virgil's wrist (making sure not to touch his skin, Virgil disliked skin on skin contact and he knew that) and gently tugged him to his feet. They made their way to the front of the bus and Patton cheerfully thanked the driver before getting off.

He heard Virgil mumble something behind him and giggled to himself.

The block they stepped out into was a fairly normal city block. Tall apartment buildings, city-planted trees, a few benches. Patton checked his phone again to figure out which apartment complex it was, then he and Virgil walked down the sidewalk to the front of the building.

Patton pressed one of the buzzer buttons for a moment, then stepped back, bouncing.

"How may I help you?" A static-y voice spoke. Patton beamed and made a squeaking noise of excitement.

"Is this Logan? It's Patton, and I brought Virgil! We were going to look at the apartment today?"

For a moment there was silence, and Patton could almost feel Virgil's anxiety rolling off him in waves.

"I will be to the door momentarily." Logan spoke again, then the speaker went silent.

"Oh this is so exciting! We could be moving into this amazing building- and look, there's a park just down the street! I bet we could see all sorts of people and animals there."

"Not big on people, Pat." Virgil mumbled.

Patton turned to respond, but was interrupted by the door in front of them swinging open.

A man about Patton's age stood in the doorway, straightening a pair of simple black glasses. Upon seeing them he cleared his throat and offered a hand.

"Greetings. My name is Logan-"

"I'm Patton!" Patton grabbed his hand and shook it vigorously. "And this is my friend Virgil!"

Virgil flashed a peace sign and slouched a bit more. Logan offered him a nod before turning back to Patton.

"Please, come in. I just finished showing the apartment to another individual who is interested. I believe, should everything work out properly, that the two of you will be joining him and myself in renting the apartment together."

"Is he still here?" Patton peered around the little lobby, as if the fourth man would just appear out of thin air.

Logan shook his head. "He departed quickly, I believe he said he needed to go pick something up. I did not push the matter further."

"Oh well. We'll meet him if we move in, I'm sure. Let's see this apartment!"

Patton followed Logan as he led the way down the hallway to the elevator. Virgil shuffled after them quietly.

He noted that Logan didn't seem too keen on small talk, which was fine. Patton fidgeted excitedly.

"As the listing informed you, most of the apartments around us are empty. We live in a part of town where many rather well off individuals buy apartments to use if they should have to travel here, but otherwise they are unoccupied. The landlord lives two apartments to the west, and no complaints of noise have risen so far."

Logan paused, pulling a key out of his pocket for the door as he continued. "However, that other man I spoke to today... he may become an issue. I will have to see what transpires should he end up joining in the lease."

He unlocked the door and stepped inside. Patton darted after him.

The front door opened into the living room, which was attached to a spacious kitchen. Patton made a beeline for it, already imagining the meals he could whip up in this beauty.

"This is amazing! It's so huge!"

"Yes, the previous owner had it designed so she could run her baking business from home." Logan leaned against the island, arms crossed. "I am... capable of cooking, as anyone who lives alone must be. But I do prefer to purchase pre-made meals if possible."

"I love to cook!" Patton exclaimed. "And bake, and- and- oh I don't know what else but I love this kitchen already!"

He heard Virgil chuckle softly and turned to his best friend. "What do you think, Virgil?"

"We've seen two rooms. One, technically." Virgil shrugged, shoving his hands in his pockets. "How's the rest of the apartment set up?"

Logan pointed in both directions, to two little hallways that split off from the living room. "To the left there are two rooms and a bathroom, and to the right there is a small office space that I am currently using, as well as another two rooms. The smallest of the rooms, which I have a feeling you may like... Virgil? My apologies."

Virgil shrugged. "Yep. Virgil. What's so special about this little room?"

Logan motioned for the two of them to follow him as he turned to walk down the left hallway. One room was on the right side, then the bathroom on the left. Finally, at the end of the hall, was the smallest bedroom.

Virgil stepped in and peered around. There was one window, on the far wall, facing what looked like an alley. The room was small, yes, but it was exactly the sort of room he would have picked anyway.

"You're a good judge of character." He told Logan as he turned around.

"I would not say that, necessarily, but I am fairly proficient in correct first impressions."

{I relate to Logan so much so why is writing him so HARD for me}

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