Chapter Sixty-Eight ~ Roman

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{Possible trigger warnings: swearing (a lot bc Virgil is a potty mouth and Roman has no problem retaliating)

If I miss something, I apologize and please let me know}

"Oh my god I can't even begin to explain how much I'm regretting this right now." Roman eyed the clothing that Virgil had laid out on his bed. "Not even a single bit of color?"

"Color is for posers, emo is about the blackness of your soul." Virgil waved him off. "And you agreed to this, so we're doing it."

"I know, I know." Roman sighed, picking up a shirt from the bed. "Is this yours?"

"Joan's. I told them I was borrowing it for the weekend, they're a closer body shape to you than I am."

Roman nodded and went over to his set-up. "I'll have to move this back, won't I?"

"I dunno." Virgil looked up. "Do you need my face in the shot the whole time? I prefer to stand when doing other people's makeup."

"You've done that a lot?"

He smirked. "More than you'd think."

Roman rolled his eyes and moved his camera tripod back as far as he could on the counter. "You and your emo buddies all get dressed up for raves?"

"I did Joan's makeup for Halloween for a couple years, actually." Virgil retorted. "And that's when I was mediocre with eyeshadow."

"I'm sorry, I thought you were still mediocre with eyeshadow."

Something thumped against Roman's back and he laughed. "Hey man, if you're gonna play the game you gotta be prepared to get hit."

"I'll f*ckin' punch you." Virgil warned halfheartedly. Roman snickered and tossed the t-shirt back to him.

"So we're doing full emo, right?" Roman began to organize his palettes. "Like, traditional emo?"

"I'm gonna do it my way. If you keep your dark palettes out that should work, and as many kohl liners and thick black liners as you have."

"Are you sure you want that many?" Roman held up the bag of black liners he had. Virgil glanced at it.

"That'll work."

"Good to know." He went back to organizing his makeup.

Twenty minutes later, they were ready to begin. Roman pushed Virgil's chair out of the camera view. "Stay."


"I'll let you in once I've done the intro." Roman waved him off. "Stay."

Virgil rolled his eyes and pulled his feet up underneath himself in the chair. Roman scoffed.

"Still don't understand how you do that."

"Skill and practice, Princey. Start the video."

Roman stuck his tongue out and turned on the camera. "Hello to you all, Ladies, Lords, and Non-Binary Royalty! I am... conflicted about this video, actually. The concept is a good one, but dealing with the individual involved... will be tough."

"Rude." Virgil smacked him with a pillow.


"It was a pillow, you pansy."

Roman stuck his tongue out and reached over, dragging Virgil's chair into the camera viewfinder. "So yeah, this d*ck is here."

"'Sup nerds." Virgil flashed double peace signs at the camera. "I'm gonna make Princey regret his life today."

"Every day I have to deal with you I regret my life."

"That's my life goal." Virgil grinned. "You gonna tell your viewers how I'm ruining your existence today?"

Roman picked up the darkest palette he owned, showing it to the camera. "Ame is giving me an emo makeover today."

"Hell yeah!" Virgil punched the air. "Gonna turn you into a f*ckin' raccoon."

"Haven't looked like that since my last breakup." Roman joked. "Shall we get started?"

Virgil snickered. "You're gonna regret that. Gimme."

He snagged the palette out of Roman's hand and opened it, grabbing a makeup brush off the counter. "I'm gonna take a quick look at this, put some primer on your face or whatever sh*t you usually do. I don't use that stuff but you probably should."

Roman grabbed his primer and moisturizers. "You all know what my go-tos are, I'm not sure what this weirdo's plan is so I'm just going to prep the full face."


"Shut up." Roman elbowed him in the side.

Virgil snickered and flicked a flat eyeshadow brush at his face. "You ready? I'm probably gonna f*ck up your palettes too. Sorry not sorry."

"Most of the ones I have out are old anyway." Roman shrugged. "Is this where I die?"

"It is, f*cker. Close your eyes."

"Is this how I die?" Roman began to sang as he closed his eyes, feeling an eyeshadow brush begin to tap along his eyelid. "Frightened like a child, lazy and dumb...."

"That song is actually pretty emo, good pick Princey." Virgil tapped the eyeshadow palette. "You wanna tell a story about fourteen-year-old Scene Roman?"

"Noooot really- oh god I felt that fall-out what the hell are you doing?"

"I told you, I'm making you a raccoon." Virgil was grinning when Roman opened his eyes. He glanced in the viewfinder and made a face.

"I look like I have a black eye."

"Don't rush the process. Seriously, I wanna know. What was your favorite MCR song?"

"I wasn't as into MCR, actually." Roman shrugged. "I did get really into the weird Nightcore songs, and there was a version of Mama that I listened to a lot."

"Poser." Virgil teased. "Open your eyes for a second."

Roman gave him his best 'brooding teenager' look.

"God, why did you even start on YouTube?" Virgil snickered and picked up another eyeshadow palette, scanning it. "You should be playing half-a**-written bar-hoppers in soap operas."

"Don't insult my acting skills." Roman stuck his tongue out.

"Just for that you're getting extra fake piercings."

He snorted. "How many did you buy?"

"Two bags of a dozen each." Virgil smirked. "I came prepared."

"Cool." Roman nodded, getting a swat on top of the head from his roommate. "How realistic do they look?"

"Ranging from 'could be legit' to 'kids toy approximation' depending on what kind of piercing you're looking for." Virgil shrugged. "Surprisingly, the ones for like, tongues and sh*t look most realistic."

"Perfect. How freaked out do you think Logan would be if I kissed him while wearing one?"

"Significantly less freaked out since you said it on camera." Virgil pointed out. "I'm using your special palette or whatever. The dark red here."

"Oooh!" Roman grinned, pointing at the camera. "You all know the drill, code Princey on the Ofra site for ten percent to charity of the month! Info on the Princey_MUA site."

"Sell-ouuut." Virgil singsonged, laughing.


{Again, Smosh Emo Makeover}

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