Chapter Seventy-Three ~ Virgil

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{Possible trigger warnings: swearing, some fighting, minor threats

If I miss something, I apologize and please let me know}

"Princey, what did you do to my eyeshadow palette?" Virgil demanded, crossing his arms and glaring at Roman across the kitchen island.

"Nothing." Roman rolled his eyes. Virgil growled and started to circle the island. "Nothing, I swear!"

"Well then where did it go?" Virgil demanded, snatching for the beauty YouTuber's shirt. "You're the only one who uses makeup in this apartment!"

"Get away from me!" Roman screeched, darting out of the way. 

"Not until you tell me what you did!"

"I didn't do anything!"

Virgil chased Roman out into the living room and tackled him onto the couch. 

"Get off of me!"

"What did you do?!"

Roman wriggled, but Virgil pinned him to the couch with a knee in the center of his back. He grabbed one of Roman's arms and twisted it up behind Roman's back.


"I'm giving you one more chance, Sh*tsey-M-U-A, what the f*ck did you do with my eyeshadow palette?"

"I didn't take it, get off me! That f*cking hurts!"

Virgil rolled his eyes. "That's the point, dipsh*t-"

"What on Earth is going on?"

"Help!" Roman squeaked as Virgil looked over his shoulder to find Logan standing in the hallway. "He's trying to kill me!"

"I am not, I'm holding your personal safety as ransom until you answer my d*mn question." Virgil adjusted his grip and turned to face Logan. "Do you know what he did with my eyeshadow palette?"

"I was under the impression that he wasn't aware it was missing." Logan responded, leaning against the wall. "Let him go, Virgil."

"Yes please!" Roman whined emphatically. Virgil pinched his wrist for good measure, forcing a yelp of pain, then got up and crossed his arms.

"So you know where it is?"

"I do." Logan nodded. "I'm not going to tell you where, or why it's gone."

Virgil narrowed his eyes. "Why not?"

"It isn't my story to tell. I promise you that there is no ill intent in the situation, though."

He groaned and looked between the two. Roman was rubbing his shoulder and pouting.

"Get over it." Virgil told him, rolling his eyes.

"Why are you so f*cking mean?" Roman complained.

"It's what I do." Virgil elbowed him and walked back to the kitchen, grabbing a drink from the fridge and retreating to his room.

If neither of them had it, that must mean Patton did. Virgil was a lot more lenient with his best friend, but it really made him wonder what Patton had taken it for. Usually he'd ask if he wanted to borrow something.

He pulled his phone out and sat in his bed, pulling up Patton's number. Pausing, he sighed.

"I'm not gonna ask. I'm not gonna ask."

~~~Two Hours Later~~~

"Virgil, dinner!" Logan called down the hallway. Virgil kicked his legs off the bed and sat up. 

"Be out in a second!"

He grabbed a sweatshirt and pulled it on, wandering out to the kitchen with his hands shoved in the stomach pocket.

"Hi a**hole." Roman greeted him with a swat on the shoulder. "You ready to apologize?"

"Not yet, I'll think about it though." Virgil shrugged, going over to the fridge.

"Apologize for what?" Patton asked, sitting up a little straighter in his seat. Virgil grunted and grabbed a can of soda. 

"He attacked me earlier today on false pretense, brutalized me, and accused me of wrongdoing that was not my handiwork!" Roman pouted, crossing his arms.

"You won't even bruise, stop being such a pansy." Virgil rolled his eyes and cracked the soda open. "And it would totally be something you'd do."

"How dare you!" Roman gasped.


"I would never! I understand, as beat up and ancient as that disgusting palette is, that you use it often and treasure it greatly. I'd never touch it, much less steal it!"

Virgil raised an eyebrow at him.


"Whatever. So Patton, what did you need my palette for?" He turned to Patton.

Their roommate was sitting very still, eyes wide. He met Virgil's eyes for a second, then turned his attention solidly to the plate of food in front of him.

"I um... I kinda... I broke it."

Virgil frowned, feeling a slow surge of anger. This was Patton though, and that absolutely dejected expression stopped him from exploding.


"I dropped my deodorant this morning, and when I tried to grab it before it hit the ground my hand hit your palette! I tried to catch that too but I'm not too good with the whole physical reaction kind of thing." Patton chewed his lip. 

"I cleaned up the eyeshadow and grabbed the palette and took it into town to see if I could get a replacement."

"Oh." Virgil paused. "Did you find one?"

"No. But I found one that I was told is pretty similar, if that helps." Patton offered a little smile and pointed to the bag Virgil hadn't noticed sitting on the counter over by the door to his and Logan's side of the apartment.

"Well, uh. Thanks Patton."

"I officially hate you again." Roman announced. "I am wounded and offended that you got so mad at the idea of me taking it, but didn't even raise your voice at Patton."

"The f*ck do you mean, it's Patton." Virgil gestured in his friend's general direction. "You try yelling at that cute face."

Roman huffed and crossed his arms. "Hate you. You're the worst."

"Well I don't disagree with the last part." Virgil shrugged and went over to the stove to get some food.

Logan, who'd been watching the entire exchange quietly, walked over to Roman and wrapped an arm around his waist, kissing him on the forehead. "I think you'll be able to live with it, darling. Deep breaths."

Roman pouted and Virgil took a seat next to Patton, digging into his food. 

"You're seriously not mad?" Patton asked him. "Roman seems pretty angry about what you did to him, so you must have been upset."

"I was." Virgil shrugged. "But I thought Roman had taken it to be annoying. You taking it to try to replace it after an accident is a very different story, and you and I don't have a now-dead five year feud in our past."

Patton grinned at him and Virgil smiled, shaking his head. This apartment was such a mess.

He turned back to the other two and found them in a lip-lock. Rolling his eyes, Virgil took aim and bounced a carrot off of Roman's cheek.

"Ew! Virgil, what the f*ck?"

"Quit being gross."

"You and Emile made out for three minutes last week!"

"Yeah, for a dare!"

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