Chapter Forty-Five ~ Virgil

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{Possible trigger warnings: cursing (y'all know how I do), apocalypse/zombie mention, mention of attack

If I miss something, I apologize and please let me know}

Virgil blew out a heavy breath and hauled himself out of his computer chair.

His team protested his walking away from his keyboard, but they were driving him insane anyway so he ignored them.

He checked his phone as he shuffled out into the kitchen. Patton had sent a text asking if they needed anything from the store, which had prompted a full grocery list from Roman. Virgil read it over and shrugged, not seeing anything he needed to add.

Roman was in the kitchen, puttering away at something on the stove. Virgil flicked his ear as he walked past and his roommate chucked a baby carrot at him.

"I thought you were recording."

"I am. My team isn't doing me any favors so I took a little break. Do you know how irritating it is to be the only competent person in a zombie apocalypse game? I'm running from one end of the map to the other trying to keep these morons alive and all they do is cuss me out when they inevitably die because they keep splitting up."

Roman snorted. "Why you even record with others beats me. You don't seem like the type."

"Yeah there are like eight collab games on my channel in like five years." Virgil blew his bangs out of his face and grabbed a bottle of water from the fridge. 

"Hey... how old are you?"

He gave Roman a weird look and opened the water before answering. "Twenty-four."

Roman cringed and looked at the counter. "I can't believe I was feuding with a nineteen-year-old."

"Oh come on, you're not even that much older than I am." Virgil rolled his eyes.

"I'm twenty-seven."

"Yeah, see? You're the same age as Patton." Virgil pointed out. "Just forget about it Roman, it's sorted itself out anyway."

Roman sighed and nodded, going back to the stove.

"Oh and speaking of Patton, his birthday is next week. We'll have to discuss that with Logan, because he loves surprise parties."

"I'll keep that in mind...."

Virgil gave himself a few more minutes to cool off before making his way back down the hallway to his room.

"Alright, have you f*ckers figured yourselves out yet?" He asked as he popped his headset on.

"Oh f*ck off and join the new game Ame."

"I can't do both, jacka**." Virgil clicked on the game invite in the corner of his screen.

~~~One Hour Later~~~

Virgil looked over his recording footage and sighed.

"God that's so not worth the time it took."

He got up, grabbing the now empty bottle and garbage that he'd collected on his desk through the session. There were trash and recycling bins in the kitchen.

"I've got dinner done and I'm keeping it warm in the oven." Roman told him from the couch in the living room. "Logan texted me saying he's on his way home, he seemed pretty stoked. Have you heard from Patton? He dropped off groceries while I was cleaning my room and disappeared again."

"Um..." Virgil pulled his phone out again. "Nope. I'm sure he'll show eventually, he's an adult."

"An adult who is easily distracted by the simplest comments." Roman smirked.

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