Chapter Eighteen ~ Patton

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DAY THREE OF OVERLOAD WEEK (is it really a week? No. Do I care? No.)

Actually I might extend it to tomorrow if I have time before we leave.

{Possible trigger warnings: I actually don't think there is anything, BUT

If I miss something, I apologize and please let me know}

Patton shoved his face into the crook of his elbow as he sneezed loudly. He heard a customer on the other side of the room say 'bless you' and smiled.


Grabbing a tissue from the box behind the counter, Patton blew his nose and grabbed the hand sanitizer bottle.

He loved his job, he really did, but his allergies got really bad some days. He usually just worked through it.

"Patton was that you?"

Patton looked over his shoulder and smiled sheepishly at his boss. "Yeah... I forgot my allergy meds today."

John chuckled, shaking his head. "Seems like you forget them more times than not."

Patton shrugged and turned his attention back to the arrangement he was working on. "I'll be okay, just got a little sniffle."

"Or," John leaned against the counter next to him, crossing his arms. As always, Patton's eyes were drawn to the bright purple and blue sea turtle tattoo on his upper arm. "You could go to the Walgreens down the street on your break and buy some."

"John, I promise I'm fine."

John shook his head. "It's not good to just let your allergies run wild, Pat. It might be bad for you- I'll admit I don't know much about allergies, but you should get some medication for them, okay?"

Patton sighed and nodded. "Okay, okay."

"When are you taking your break?"

"Probably once I finish this arrangement." Patton carefully picked up a rose and tucked it into the bouquet he was working on. John hopped the counter and disappeared around a tall display off to the side of the room.

Patton heard the bell on the front door ring and launched into his usual spiel. "Welcome to Bouquets of Joy, can I help you find anything? Oh- hey Charlie."

"Hey." John's partner grinned, shoving his hands in the pockets of the baggy basketball shorts he was wearing. He was in a tank top, as usual, and showing off the patchwork of art stretching across his skin. Charlie worked at a tattoo parlor a block over.

"Hi, idiot." John said affectionately as he appeared again. "What trouble did you get into today?"

Charlie smirked and stuck his tongue out, displaying what looked like a fresh tongue stud. John rolled his eyes and smiled.

Patton smiled to himself as he returned his attention to the bouquet he was working on. He picked a few more flowers from the ones he'd gathered to make the piece, then took a step back and surveyed it critically.

"Here, let me help." John took the vase and slowly rotated it so Patton could see all the sides. "Looks good to me."

"I like it too. Not that my opinion matters." Charlie added.

Patton nodded, smiling. "I think it looks good. I'll go put it in the back and then take my break."

"Buy allergy medication!" John called after him as he walked into the back. Patton heard Charlie laugh.

Taking off his work apron, he clocked out on break and let himself out the back door.

It was a beautiful day, and Patton sighed happily as he walked down the street. He stopped at the Walgreens first, finding a little packet of his usual allergy medication. Then he headed to the little local coffee shop next door.

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