Chapter Thirteen ~ Virgil

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{Possible trigger warnings: Client-Zilla (worst customer horror stories anyone?), yelling, little bit of self inflicted pain (nothing big), panic, "I want to speak to the manager" customer, swearing (censored in my own manner and at my own discretion)

If I miss something, I apologize and please let me know}

Virgil offered his manager a small wave as he walked into work. She smiled and waved back, then returned her attention to the display she was reorganizing.

Going into the back to clock in, Virgil checked the notebook that the staff kept to inform each other of important store developments. He grabbed the pen attached to the notebook's spiral by a string and scribbled his initials on top of the pages as he read them, then tugged his sweatshirt off and hung it up on the back of the door.

"How's the morning been, Reggie?" He asked as he joined the girl working the shift before his at the counter. She looked up and shrugged.

"Pretty quiet for the most part. Had an old lady trying to pick a game for her grandson's birthday present, she was really sweet."

Virgil grunted and glanced over at their boss. "Something happening today?"

Reggie raised her eyebrows. "What do you mean?"

He gestured to Rosalie. "She only reorganizes the shelves like that when she's worried."

"Oh. I dunno, she hasn't said anything." Reggie stood up straight and yawned, stretching. "I checked everything behind the counter, is there anything else you need me to do before I head out?"

"Let me just do a quick walk of the store and I'll let you know."

Virgil glanced around to make sure no customers were in sight, then hopped over the counter. He shoved his hands in his pockets and wove through the shelves quickly, looking for anything that needed to be stocked or switched out.

He ended his sweep by Rosalie and stood up straight to shoot Reggie a thumbs up. She waved and disappeared into the back.

"Rosa, you good?" Virgil asked, glancing at her.


"You seem... stressed."

Rosalie sighed. "My parents are going to be in town this weekend."

Virgil made a face. "Yikes."

"Yeah that's about how I feel right now. I'll get over it, I'm sure, and nothing will happen, but it always makes me twitchy knowing they'll probably judge everything I do." She shook her head and set down the game she was holding. "Would you mind refilling the gumball machine? I know it's only half-empty, but I think it looks more appealing if it's full."

Virgil nodded. "Yeah, no problem."

He went into the storage room to get the bag of gumballs. Holding the thing tightly around the middle like a lumpy pillow, he backed out the door and made his way across the store to get to the machine.

"Excuse me," a voice said loudly as Virgil began to pour the gumballs in after getting the lid off of the machine. "Excuse me!"

"Just a moment please." He gritted his teeth a little, already having a bad feeling about this.

Someone tapped his shoulder sharply. "Excuse me! I would like some help."

"Just a moment," Virgil repeated, louder than before. "I can help once I've got this done."

The person standing behind him let out a loud, angry huff and began to tap their foot. Virgil rolled his eyes and finished filling up the machine.

The second he set the machine's lid back on, the voice was speaking again. "I need to know what's coming in on your next order."

"I'm sorry, I can't help you." Virgil tried to keep his voice calm as he turned around, carefully closing the gumball bag and wrapping a twist-tie around the open end.

The woman standing in front of him was short, even by average standards. She glared up at him, eyes flashing dangerously with that 'let me speak to the manager' rage.

"And why the hell not?"

Virgil dug his fingernails into the palm of his hand. He didn't want to have a panic attack from being yelled at while standing in the middle of the store. "The manager makes the orders and keeps them in a safe in her office. I'm part-time help, I don't have access to the order summary."

"Listen here young man." The woman stabbed an accusing finger at him. "I want to know what is on that order and you are going to tell me, because I know you know and you are lying to me."

"I'm not lying and I can't tell you what's on that list. Even if I knew, it's company policy not to give that information out." Virgil shifted his grip on the bag of gumballs and tried to step around her.

"Oh no, you're not going anywhere."

Virgil flinched sharply as the woman grabbed his arm aggressively. He dropped the bag of gumballs and it split open, sending brightly colored candies in all directions.

"What is going on over here?"

Rosalie walked around the end of one of the aisles and stopped as she saw the mess. She raised her eyebrows and walked over.

The woman clearly realized this was another worker, and turned on her. "This boy has horrible customer service skills! I want him written up for being rude and withholding information."

"Ma'am I'm going to ask you to leave," Rosalie said firmly.

"Excuse me?"

"You are harassing my employee and being disruptive. I am asking you to leave."

The woman bristled, yanking Virgil's arm sharply as she pointed at Rosalie. "How dare you, I am a paying customer!"

"As far as I can tell you haven't paid for anything yet." Rosalie retorted, crossing her arms. "I'm giving you one chance to leave."

"You have no right to do that! Haven't you heard the phrase the customer is always right?"

"You have no right to treat other people like that." Rosalie snapped, stepping forward and cleanly separating the woman from Virgil. She put herself between the two. 

"I am not going to let you walk all over me and my workers. Every time I've dealt with someone like you I have come out on top because you are flat out wrong. And in most of those situations you were my manager, my superior, or someone who thinks they are just better than I am."

Rosalie pulled her phone out. "Get out or I call the police. I am not going to tolerate your b*tching."

The woman gasped. "How dare you! I'm calling your superior!"

"I own the store. Get the f*ck out. Last warning."

The woman looked as if she was going to explode for a moment, then stormed out.

Virgil let out a gasp as he took a breath. He hadn't even realized he was holding his breath.

He also didn't realize he was shaking until Rosalie gently grabbed his shoulders. "Hey... c'mon, let's go into the back room for a minute. You're gonna be okay, take deep breaths."

{So this one's angsty... the next one or two will be as well, because I'm leading up to the first big apartment-wide bonding moment}

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