Chapter Fifty - Patton

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{Possible trigger warnings: swearing, guns (of the nerf variety, but still), someone climbs from a window to a balcony over a two story drop

If I miss something, I apologize and please let me know}

"Three, two, one, go!" Patton screamed into the hallway before ducking down to hide behind his desk.

He heard Roman yell, and his roommate's footsteps pounded down the hallway. Patton crouched lower and tried not to be seen.

"Virgil, where are you?!" Roman roared, passing Patton's room entirely.

"F*ck off Princey!" Virgil yelled back from the other end of the apartment.

"Nah, you've won the last two rounds because we were focused on each other-agh, Logan!"

Patton snickered and crept out from behind his desk, tiptoeing towards the doorway.

Roman was sulking in the living room as he slipped down the hallway. Patton could see Virgil's arm down the other hall, it looked like he was standing in the doorway to his room.

He heard movement in the kitchen and backtracked, keeping his nerf gun close to his chest.

Logan slowly stepped into view, narrowing his eyes. He turned and froze when Patton pointed his gun at him.


"Don't swear." Patton reprimanded as he shot his roommate in the chest with the toy.

Logan grunted and went to join Roman in the living room.

Patton slipped through the kitchen, watching the end of the hallway to Virgil's room. When he peeked down, the gamer's door was open. He wasn't in sight.

Patton took a deep breath, then spotted a flash of movement in the bathroom mirror. It wasn't in the bathroom though.

It couldn't be in Virgil's room, because the mirror was on that wall. Patton turned his attention to Logan's room.

He started down the hallway and suddenly Virgil rushed him.

He shrieked and shot, but the nerf dart went wide. Virgil's hit him in the center of the chest.

"Boooooooo." Roman called from the living room. Virgil snorted.

"You scared me!" Patton whined, crossing his arms. His roommate rolled his eyes.

"You're fine. And quit pouting, Princey, it's not my fault you lost."

Patton laughed as Roman shoved Logan, sticking his tongue out.

"Lets play again! Teams this time. I call Virgil."

"No, I want to be on Virgil's team!" Roman protested. "He keeps winning and I want to win!"

"The simplest way to do it would be to play by halls." Logan suggested to his boyfriend. "You and Patton versus myself and Virgil."

"Find out who the superior boyfriend is." Virgil snickered.

Roman, who Patton imagined had been about to protest his being put on the team that didn't have Virgil, turned on Logan with a grin. "I'm so gonna kick your a**."

"Good luck with that, Your Highness." Logan smirked, getting up off the couch. "Five minutes to prepare?"

"We could make it harder and leave the guns in the kitchen too." Virgil fiddled with his hoodie strings. "First come, first served."

"Even better. All guns on the counter." Logan led the way into the kitchen and they all put their weapons down.

"Starting rules, you can start in your room or your teammate's. You have to start in one of the bedrooms on your side though." Patton pointed at the others. "You're free to send one person to get guns but you're only allowed to grab one for each of you."

"Can we have a rule this time that when someone gets shot they leave their gun where they 'die'?" Roman asked.

"Sounds good to me." Patton nodded.

"Alright, everyone find your starting spots! Five minute timer starts now." Logan set his watch on the counter and they all darted down towards their rooms.

"Here's what I think we should do." Roman said quietly as he and Patton headed for his room. "I'll get both guns, and throw one down the hallway to you-"

"You know I can't catch, that would end horribly." Patton interjected.

"Who said you needed to catch it? You just need to be in the general area to grab it."

Patton chewed his lip. "Then what are you going to do?"

"Aggression tactic." Roman shrugged. "I'll go after whoever they send to get their guns, because there's no way they'll both go for them, then their other teammate is defenseless."

Patton nodded slowly. "That's pretty good. Do we want to start in your room or mine?"

"Yours is closer- actually hold on. Logan, can we use the other room in our hallways as a starting point too?" Roman shouted across the apartment.

"No!" Virgil shouted back. "The office is like, ten feet from the kitchen counter! Be more creative, Princey!"

Roman blew a raspberry, annoyed, and tugged Patton into his room.

They waited. After a few more minutes, Logan's watch beeped loudly in the kitchen.

Roman darted out of the room and Patton crept into the hallway, waiting for him.

"Too scared to come out?" He heard his roommate taunt, then Roman tossed one of the bigger guns down the hallway.

By some miracle, Patton caught it.

"Patton, come guard the guns while I go find the other two." Roman called.

Patton joined him in the kitchen, looking at the other two guns on the counter. Roman checked his six-shooter, then started down the hallway.

There was a knock on the front door. Patton paused, before calling out, "hang on!"

He peeked through the peephole and grinned, backing up a few paces. "It's open."

Remy pulled the door open and stepped inside, stopping short and raising his eyebrows.

"Friend or foe?" Patton challenged.

"Boyfriend." The drummer responded after a moment of consideration.

"Ooh, good answer." He giggled and lowered his gun. "Hi baby-"

"Yah!" Something hit the center of Patton's back and he spun around.

The balcony door in the kitchen was open, and Virgil winked at him. "Game doesn't stop just because you're distracted, Pat. Nice hair, Remy."

Remy grinned, running his fingers through the messy teal-purple strands. "Thanks."

"How the hell did you get in there?" Roman demanded from down the hallway as he started shooting at Virgil. The gamer ducked down behind the wall.

"I can reach the balcony from Logan's bedroom window."

"Virgil, that's incredibly dangerous!" Patton gasped.

"Paid off though." Virgil popped up and grinned as Roman let out a cry of frustration.

"Next time we're playing all against Virgil." He complained as he and Logan walked into the living room.

"He'd still probably beat all of you." Remy commented, snickering.

"You're not wrong." Virgil smirked. "Close your mouth, Princey, you're making too good of a target and my self-control isn't great."

{More Remy hair polls: new color next time

Charcoal or Lavender?}

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