Chapter Four ~ Roman

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{Possible trigger warnings: slight mention of stealing? Like it's implied but not really said.

If I miss something, I apologize and please let me know}

On moving day, Roman was the first to arrive. He'd rented a truck to move most of his things, and his parents were going to swing by later with his bed-frame.

"Logan! So good to see you again." He greeted his new roommate as the shorter man opened the door.

"Greetings, Roman, how have the past few days been?" Logan stepped aside and let Roman carry the two bags he was currently holding into the living room.

Roman sighed dramatically, dropping the bags onto the couch. "It's been a whirlwind, let me tell you! I recorded three collabs with some people who were visiting town, and had two meetings working on a special project launch. I'm exhausted, and I'm so glad to be out of that little water closet I was in!"

Logan nodded, clasping his hands behind his back. "Do you require any assistance with your things?"

Pausing, Roman tipped his head. "You know, I could probably do it myself, but it'll be faster if you do right?" He grinned when Logan simply nodded.

The two made their way down to the main lobby of the building, and Logan paused at the front door.

"I would suggest we move everything into the lobby first, that way we can keep the door open and just make short trips. Then once everything is inside we can close the door to alleviate security concerns and move things up to our floor."

"Sounds good to me." Roman nodded, shoving his hair back out of his face. He almost wished that he had left it long a few months before, then he'd be able to put it into a ponytail.

Logan opened the door to the lobby, wedging a little wooden spike under it when it was fully. Roman dug the truck's keys out of his pocket and went to the back of the vehicle, dragging open the door.

"I suppose you'll want the largest of the rooms?" Logan eyed what was packed inside the truck.

"If you don't mind- you aren't using it, are you?"

Logan shook his head. "My room is the second largest of the group, and I believe one of our other roommates will be taking the smallest one. That leaves the largest and the second smallest... frankly, I don't think Patton will mind either way."

"Brilliant! Lets get all of this inside."

Roman hopped up into the truck, grabbing one of the boxes. Logan took it from him at the edge and walked it into the building while Roman grabbed another and hauled it to the edge.

The system worked pretty well. They switched places once to give Logan a break from walking back and forth, and soon everything had been moved into the lobby. Roman hopped up to grab the handle on the truck's door, dragging it down and locking it again.

Logan waited in the lobby. Once his roommate had gotten inside, he moved the wedge and pulled the door closed.

"How... reputable are the others in the building?" Roman asked, glancing around. The complex looked decent enough, yes, but one could never be sure.

Logan raised an eyebrow, crossing his arms. "There are security cameras around the lobby and the landlord of the building is very strict about respecting each other here. We could leave your things in the lobby for hours and they wouldn't be touched."

Roman smiled. "As comforting as that is, I'd rather not."

"Understandable. Let's get a few boxes in the elevator and start making trips."

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