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Hey everyone, this is just a quick little note to give you a bit of an overview of the story. There are a few things to be covered here so let's get started!

1. Ships.

If you looked at the tags when you first opened this, you'll notice that all (main character, and Dee) ships are tagged. I currently have not picked ships for this story. 

One big thing I want to talk about with ships is that I'm not going to pair off the Sides. What I mean by that is if, for example, Roman and Logan get together, Virgil and Patton are not automatically getting together.

My reasoning for this is that every time I write a fic, the Sides personalities change slightly in my writing to adapt to the situations they're going to be put in and the time period they live in. If you're reading my story Deserter you will notice the differences, though they're probably small. (I'm writing this note with four chapters done already and I can see them but that's because I'm the writer and I over-analyse)

The Sides all work together impressively in all ships (might be because they're played by the same person) but if two people in a group of four friends get together there's no guarantee the other two are going to get together just because they're the only two single ones in the friend group.

This is also one of the reasons I'm bringing in extra characters. Deceit (who I'm giving the name Dorrian because I like it), Remy, Emile. Maybe Patton meets Emile while he's grocery shopping one day, or Roman and Dorrian meet at an audition. It gives me more options and I have a note after one of the chapters discussing that a little bit at well.

2. Opinions.

There will be headcanons in this story. Fourth chapter (I think), I have height and age stuff written out. There will also be some discussion of sexuality headcanons and other stuff.


You may not agree with things being expressed. That's fine. You're free to have your own opinions/ideas. But be nice to each other if you want to talk about it.

I had another Wattpad account (which I will not be sharing because it's CRINGE), and the amount of arguing and toxicity that was present was annoying to the point where I would get stressed out about it all the time. As a then high schooler/now college student, I have enough stress to deal with and I don't need to be worrying over why my readers are screaming at each other (because I will worry. I cannot help it.).

Be nice to each other, respect each other as people, respect ME as a person and as an author please. Don't harass, belittle, mock, or bully anyone. Thank you.

3. Triggers.

I will post trigger notes at the beginning of each chapter. I am very bad at identifying triggers so if I miss something please let me know! I am always willing to add triggers to the list I have for proofreading, if there's any way I can help take care of anyone's mental health by notifying them of something like that I will happily do it. Message me, comment, whatever you like.

This story won't be nearly as bad as Deserter. With the medieval setting of that story, and the fact that the characters are being thrown into a war, there is a lot of discussion of weapons and attacks, and I try to catch everything in those chapters as well. This story is just your average, run-of-the-mill Youtuber AU.


Feel free to ask questions! Make comments, give criticism (SO LONG AS IT IS CONSTRUCTIVE!), I'm totally open to hearing suggestions for my writing, and I might do a Q/A style thing later on. 

Depending on what you ask, I might answer you, or defend my decisions. I will be respectful as I am asking you to be, and I hope I can either explain or resolve everything that is brought up.


Many of these things will be reiterated through the chapters. If the repetitiveness annoys you I'm sorry, but I want everyone to have the best reading experience they can.

I believe that is all I needed to discuss. I hope you like the book. Spread peace, love, and positivity, and enjoy!

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