Chapter Ten ~ Patton

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{Possible trigger warnings: mild swearing (censored in my manner and at my discretion), little mention of panic attack

If I miss something, I apologize and please let me know}

"Are any of you allergic to pollen?"

Patton plopped down at the kitchen island, propping his chin up in his hands. He grinned at his roommates, waiting for an answer.

Virgil rolled his eyes, making the other man giggle. "No, Pat."

"Not that I know of," Roman announce cheerily. Patton nodded and filed that away.

"Begonias, I believe..." Logan commented, taking a sip of his coffee and standing to clear his plate. "Might I ask why?"

Patton shrugged, smiling. "I work at a florist's shop, part-time. They let me bring bouquets home occasionally." He giggled suddenly. "I've been teaching myself the language."

"The language?" Roman asked. "What do you mean?"

"Every flower has a meaning!" Patton hopped to his feet, darting over to grab a scrap of paper off the pile that he assumed was Virgil's on the corner of the counter. "Like, begonias for example mean- oh goodness, that's funny!"

He began to giggle and the others looked at him curiously.

"What's funny?" Roman pressed.

"Logan is allergic to begonias. Begonias mean 'beware'. Guess they warn you to beware of them." Patton beamed, pointing at Logan.

"Okay, tell me more. How would I say... oh I don't know." Roman slumped in his seat a little, frowning at the counter as he thought. "Oh! How about this: if each of us were a flower, what would we be? Since you know their meanings."

Patton stopped, eyes widening. "Oooh, that's a good one! Let me think."

He began to scribble little notes on the paper as he thought. Roman watched him eagerly, while Logan observed with mild interest. Virgil leaned back in his chair.

"Roman, you'd be a gladiolus-"

"Isn't that a sword?" Virgil interjected, his lips twitching upward.

"That would be a gladius." Logan corrected him, adjusting his glasses.

Patton giggled and continued. "Right. Roman you'd be a gladiolus because they mean strength of character, faithfulness, and honor! They're like the knights of the flower world."

"So a gladius." Virgil snickered. Patton waved a hand at him with a grin.

"Oh stop that. Let's see, Logan would be a purple iris. They symbolize eloquence and wisdom."

Logan paused, then offered a small smile. "Why thank you, Patton."

"What about Virgil?" Roman asked.

"I'm a weed, because I'm parasitic and no one likes me." Virgil quipped, staring at the counter. Patton frowned at him.

"No no no, you'd be a yellow rose."

The other man looked up. "What do those mean?"

"Love in friendship." Patton told him with a smile.

Virgil pulled the hood of his over-sized sweatshirt down on his face partially. "I have a reputation, Patton."

"Do you though?" Roman taunted, sounding only half-joking. Patton shot him a look.

Virgil glared at him for a moment, before getting up and walking out of the kitchen without a word.

Logan sighed. "Roman, is it completely necessary that you push every one of his buttons?"

"It isn't my fault that he can't take what he dishes out!" Roman crossed his arms. "I was joking anyway."

"He might have just reached his threshold for interaction," Patton said softly, though he didn't believe his own words. He'd seen the look Virgil gave Roman, they all had. "I'll go check on him."

He grabbed a sticky note from the pad Logan kept by the fridge to make notes, absentmindedly folding it in his hands as he walked down the hallway towards Virgil's room.

The door was shut tight, but Patton lightly tapped on the frame. He waited a few moments, then heard quiet footsteps.

Virgil peeked out, his face drawn in a scowl. When he saw Patton, the expression lightened. "Hey Pat."

"Can I come in?"

"Course you can, you're always welcome in here." Virgil opened the door farther and stepped back.

Patton smiled as he stepped inside. "Just trying to follow the rules."

"What? Oh, right. Whatever, you can come in here whenever." Virgil shook his head. He shut the door most of the way behind Patton and wandered over to his desk. "What's up?"

"I just wanted to check on you. You seemed upset when you left the kitchen." Patton sat down on the edge of his friend's bed.

Virgil shrugs. "He just rubs me the wrong way and I don't want to lash out. I can snap and b*tch-"

Patton shot him a gently disapproving look, but he just shrugged. "It's not going to change anything. And I want this apartment to work out, so I'm biting my tongue and hiding away."

"You could always try talking about it?" Patton suggested hesitantly.

"And get into a screaming match that triggers a panic attack and leaves me crying for five hours? No thanks. I'll keep all my emotions right here, and one day I'll die."

"Don't quote John Mulaney at me when we are having a serious discussion." Patton reprimanded with a smile. Virgil snorted.

"I'll figure it out, okay Pat? Probably not right away, busy season is coming up at work and I've got enough things to worry about right now."

Patton nodded. "Okay, kiddo. If you need help just let me know."

"I'm only a couple years younger than you... I will though, if I need to." Virgil sighed and spun in his chair to stare at his computer. "I should record gameplay today..."

"Ooh, that reminds me! I have to record an apartment tour!" Patton bounced up, then stopped short. "If Logan is okay with it."

"Not asking Roman's opinion?" Virgil glanced over his shoulder as he booted up his computer.

"Roman is not the kind of person to dislike being on camera." Patton giggled. He ruffled Virgil's hair as he passed him, getting a semi-annoyed grumble and a lazy middle finger. He grinned and pulled Virgil's door shut behind him as he left the room.

Logan was alone in the kitchen, staring out the window above the sink as he sipped his coffee. Patton noted how much lower the coffee pot was filled and shook his head, smiling.

"If you're going to drink that much caffeine you should have a glass of water." He chided his roommate gently.

"Yes Mom." Logan shook his head, smiling a little.

Patton giggled, grinning at him. "Was that a joke? Did you just make a joke?"

"I am capable of humor from time to time."

{just taking a quick break from my homework to give y'all the weekly chapter updates}

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