Chapter Twenty-Six ~ Patton

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{Possible trigger warnings: I don't think there are any BUT

If I miss something, I apologize and please let me know}

"Roman, what are you doing?" Patton peeked into the kitchen. His roommate was racing around, pulling things from the fridge and piling them on the counter.

"Look!" Roman pulled out his phone and showed Patton the screen.

There was a new comment on his now four-day-old apology video. A comment from AmethystHailstorm.

Well you can start with making me dinner, since you're always complaining that I only eat ramen

"He's giving me a chance!" Roman pocketed the phone again, turning back to the food he was gathering.

Patton chewed his lip. "Roman... you know that's not forgiveness from him, right?"

He hated to bring it up, but he needed to make sure.

Roman deflated a little, but nodded. "I'm aware. With everything I've done, I'm not expecting forgiveness for a long time, if ever."

"Oh don't say that!" Patton quickly crossed the kitchen to give him a hug. "Virgil holds grudges, yes, but I think eventually he'll be able to forgive you. He knows he said some bad things too."

His roommate shrugged and hugged him back for a few moments, then let go and began to survey the ingredients. "I'd better get to work."

Patton giggled. "I'll leave you to it."

He wandered into the living room and dropped onto the couch, pulling out his phone to check his messages and see if the one he was waiting for had come through.

"Oh no!"

Logan, just stepping into the apartment, frowned. "Patton, is something wrong?"

Patton sat up, chewing his lip as he tapped away at his phone. "My collab for this week fell through."

"Is a collaboration necessary?" Logan asked, removing his letterman and draping it over his arm. "Perhaps you could find someone else."

"I could, but I don't know who to ask! Virgil flat out wouldn't do it even if he did fit the bill."

"Well, explain the video idea. I will see if there is a way I can help." Logan sat down in the armchair.

Patton put his phone in his lap. "I try to do a LGBTQ involved video once a week. Sometimes it's just me sitting there and talking about a term I learned, sometimes I have friends who can come on and talk about things. During pride and awareness weeks I try to have guests who are connected to what's being celebrated or talked about."

"Ah, I believe I see where this is going." Logan nodded slowly. "Would this happen to deal with the week approaching?"

Patton nodded quickly. "It's Ace Awareness Week. And technically I'm part of it because I'm demisexual and we're included but for the past four or five years I've had one of my friends who is aro-ace on for a Qweh-Nah with my subscribers. Problem is she's on a three week business trip so I can't get her this time around."

"I could do it."

Patton looked between his two roommates as they realized that they'd spoken at the same time. Roman quickly turned down the stove-top heat and came out into the living room.

"I'm asexual." He offered, shoving his hands in his pockets.

"As am I." Logan nodded, looking at Patton. "I suppose you could take your pick." 

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