Chapter one

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Paige's POV
I woke up with a jolt of pain "Blaze!" I thought as the pain continued to surround my body "What is happening to my brother!?" I screamed in my head before trying to mind link him, the second I went to try and mind link the pain stopped and I felt like a piece of my life was missing, I tried to mind link him. There was nothing but static "I-It can't be.."  I said in my head in disbelief "He can't be!" I started crying "He can't be dead.." I cried, I was to sad to get up and find his body for myself, so I laid back down on the cold tile ground of my kitchen crying wondering what happened, I hated the twin bond we had to where we could feel each others pain but now I was happy because I would not be able to hear my brother as he screamed his last words in his head "YOU WILL REGRET THIS ALPHA LUCA! I LOVE YOU PAIGE!" Was his last words.


"Wake up you useless fat mutt" I heard my mother say kicking me to get me to wake up "Go make breakfast for me and your father then go to school." She commanded, I nodded getting off of the cold tile of our new house, we moved here about 3 months after my brother died. I walked over to the fridge grabbing the eggs, ham, bacon, and spinach, I put some eggs in a bowl before adding salt and pepper and whisking it to missing the egg yolk and egg whites together. I set the eggs aside and chopped up ham in small chunks and added it to the eggs before grabbing the bacon and chopping it up like I did with the ham before doing the same with the spinach, after I had the ham, bacon, and spinach in the eggs I whisked them together while the pan heated up. I grabbed the spray oil and sprayed the pan before pouring half the egg mixture into the pan. I put two pieces of toast in the toaster before going back to the stove flipping the omelette.

The toaster dinged as the toast popped up out of the toaster I grabbed the toast and set it on a plate before going back and sliding the omelette on the plate letting it fold over its self and I grabbed the butter out of the fridge and spread it on the toast before going over and pouring the rest of the egg mixture into the pan and while it started cooking I grabbed another plate setting it to the side before grabbing another two pieces of toast and popping them into the toaster. I flipped the omelette and waited for it to cook the other side as I went and grabbed the other two pieces of toast that had finished about 30 seconds ago. I set them on the plate and grabbed the second omelette letting it slide on the second plate before buttering the other pieces of toast to. I set them at the breakfast table along with two cups of orange juice "Breakfast is ready!" I called to my parents as I checked my watch "I beat my record at 5 minutes" I said happy in my head that I had beat my record in cooking breakfast.

My parents came down stairs and sat at the table "Alright now go get changed and a shower ugly bitch" my father said, I nodded and went upstairs and grabbed a quick shower, after I got out I brushed my short blonde hair looking into the mirror at my grey eyes "He's right, I am ugly" I said to myself and I heard my wolf whimper, she never liked me calling myself ugly or fat, I don't know why maybe it was because we were basically the same person but I was saying the truth. I grabbed my toothbrush and toothpaste and brushed my teeth before going over to the small closet I had in the bathroom. I grabbed my button up denim long sleeve shirt with my denim ripped jeans and white converse along with my faux black leather jacket with a black beanie and blue laced wristbands.
(Outfit in media bar ⬆️)

I put on my clothes and went down stairs and grabbed my book bag before walking out of the house for my journey to my school. It was a little less then 6 minutes to the school but it only took me half that time because I ran, mostly because I wanted to exercise but also because I wanted to get to school as fast as possible so I wouldn't miss school, I ran into the school and went to the front office "Ho, I'm Paige Micheals... I'm new and I'm here to get my schedule" I say nicely to the lady "Ok, what grade?" She asks me "Junior" I reply looking around in the hall way to see if I could get a hold of my surroundings a little, not that I needed to, I already knew my surroundings because of my heightened senses due to my- my thoughts were cut short when the lady dropped something on the floor "Sorry.." she said slightly embarrassed as she picked it up, it was a stapler, I looked down to see she was stapling my papers together.

After she stapled them together she handed them to me smiling "If you have any questions don't hesitate to ask." She said before typing some stuff on the computer "Thank you." I said before grabbing a little map they had there for new visitors or students. I looked for my locker and found it quickly with the help of my heightened vision. I set my things in my locker and locked it back before looking back at my schedule Science Homeroom/First Period I sighed and walked to the class room, I walked in and I immediately smelt the scent of something that nearly had me drooling at how good it smelt "Mate!"
My wolf Rose said, I looked around the room and landed on a very muscular handsome male he had dirty blonde but mostly brown hair and sharp features and he was also tan showing he liked the beach which I adored because I love the beach or water in general. My wolf growled in my head as she saw that he had his arms wrapped around another girl before he turned his head and looked at me shocked, he looked at me for a moment before going out of his trance that he was in a smirking before rolling his eyes and kissing the girl he had his arms wrapped around, my heart shattered in a million pieces as I watched him kiss her and my wolf whimpered he stopped kissing her and looked at me shocked that I had no sad expression on my face, I had trained myself not to show any emotion, it shows weakness and I am NOT weak.

Hey guys so I hope you liked this new book, I just couldn't get this book idea out of my head so I decided to start it before forgetting it. So thank you for reading bye!

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