Chapter 3

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Later that day, Jaehyun went out, leaving you home alone

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Later that day, Jaehyun went out, leaving you home alone. Finally. You laid on the couch when you saw the screen of your phone lit up.

Unknown number:

'Hey, y/n?'

You took your phone and replied quickly. The unknown number turned out to be Johnny, Jaehyun's cute friend.


'See you... Friday? At 7?'

Your heart started racing and you squealed into the cushion. You stopped after a thought came to your mind. What if this was all fake and Jaehyun is just trying to hurt you by asking Johnny to date you?

You entered the building and made way to your office after greeting everyone good morning, you sat on your desk and got ready to edit some articles the staff had given you. You worked at a fashion magazine as an editor, getting this position was hard, especially cause the CEO of the company was never there. Due to her always traveling, she decided it was best to hire someone to take care of the magazine's headquarters in LA.

"Miss y/l/n, the new boss is here." You looked up at Nina, she was an intern.

"Today? I thought they were not going to be here till next month!" you said.

"We thought so too, he wants to see you." She said and left. Great, a man... what did I do now?

You made your way to the elevator and pressed the '6' button. He wasn't going to fire you, was he? You were imagining the worst. What if he hated you, or what if he demoted you back to your old position? You greeted his assistant and she told you to follow her.

"You can come in." she said and stood to the side for you to enter the room, closing the door behind you.

"Good morning sir, I-" you looked at him and you were not expecting him to be your new boss.

"So, it is you! I was going through the list of employees and I saw your name." he said and leaned back on his chair, that stupid smirk on his face seemed to be a permanent thing.

"Oh, hell no. Not you!" you whined and threw your head back, making him laugh. "Why are you everywhere, Jaehyun?" you said, and he laughed.

"You can't get rid of me, babe. It's destiny."

"You are annoying me, so I will leave." You turned around.

"Hey, where do you think you are going Miss y/l/n?" You faced him one more as he rested his arms on his desk. "I called you here, I'm your boss. Sit."

"Jaehyun, I have a lot of work to do." You alleged trying to get rid of him.

"I said sit. You don't want to lose your job, now, do you?" you sighed and sat on the chair across him. He turned to his computer and started typing, not even bothering to look at you. You rested your head on your hand and propped yourself up with your elbows. The hair on your face preventing you from watching Jaehyun's face soften. He looked at you through the corner of his eye and smiled, dimples showing. He typed and glanced at you from time to time, after a while his typing stopped, and he cleared his throat making you look up. "You can go now."

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