"The Sun, The Sea, and The Bees"

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Yang comfortably laid in Blake's lap as she put her finger through her blonde mane.

Yang was just staring up at Blake's soft amber eyes.

"Can you blink or something you're starting to creep me out, now."
Blake said looking down at the blond's lavender still-unblinking half lidded eyes.

"You just..have really pretty eyes."

Blake giggled.

"Coming from the girl with purple eyes."

"Psh..." She continued her staring. "You're really pretty."

"Thank you...for the 50th time. Remind me to also thank your Uncle..." Blake added, gesturing at Yang's state.

"Is it hot in here or is it just you?"

"Oh my god."

Blake's ears suddenly perked up, following a knock at the door. Her eyes followed suit and glanced towards the direction of the noise.

Yang used this moment of distraction to quickly plant her lips onto hers.
"Come i-mph!"

Weiss gently opened the door as her eyes locked onto the scene in surprise.

"Sorry..for interrupting..."

Blakes eye's immediately widened after being caught. Well...not caught, she didn't really initiate it.

She slowly pushed Yang's head back down and spoke.
"It's fine, Weiss. We weren't-"

"We were in the middle..of making babies." Yang slurred out.

"That's not psychically possible."

Nora's head popped out, peeking in from the side of the doorway.

"There's Atlas tech for that, Weiss." Nora explained, wiggling her eyebrows.

"Where did you even come from?"

Yang quickly tuned out of their conversation and glanced back at Blake.
"We're gettin' a baby."

Blake shook her head and glared at Nora. "Look at what you've done."

Nora burst out in fits of laughter. After calming down she smiled. "I'm glad she's okay, though."

Not too soon after she had woken up, after the blond's shenanigans, of course, the first thing Blake did was make sure Ruby knew that her sister was okay. The rest of the house found out and were relieved. Nora and Ruby mainly spent the time messing with a doped up Yang and laughing.

"Me too. But I'm dreading the medication becoming a recurring thing."

"Aw it won't be that bad. Just like watching a baby or something."

"A baby that is constantly trying to flirt with me."

"That's a weird image."

Weiss scoffed.
"You should be used to that by now, Blake."

Nora stopped leaning on the doorframe and bounced. "Ooooh, speaking of is Bumbleby official yet?!"


The hammer-wielder sighed exasperatedly.

"Are you two official yet?"

"She just woke up today!"

Yang having heard this, got out of whatever daze she was in and held a finger up.
"Yes...to that. Yes."

"Im taking that answer. Neptune owes me $30."

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