Mothers Meetings

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The diverse family relaxed in various places around Michael's newly acquired apartment as they pondered on their next move. Ami, Jene, and Jade lounged upon a sleek looking black sofa chattering quietly. The large open bay windows allowed the bright afternoon sunlight to dapple softly across their animated faces.

Across the living room, Michael lounged on the wooly cream carpet sharpening a stack of gleaming silver knives.  Raziel sat cross-legged perpendicular to him as he observed his brother cooly.

" Michael is that really necessary? We have a human in the midst as well as two warrior angelings. What a great role model you are. Sitting on the floor sharpening knives while we are meant to be discussing how to find our brother and continue on with our mission." 

Raziel sighed in exasperation as he simply looked at his brother expectantly.

To his credit, Michael did not even look up from his task as he addressed his brother. 

" Raziel, need I remind you that those two angelings were meant to protect us? They know who we does the human. I will not pretend to be who I am not. I am the Archangel of Protection. In the physical world, you need physical protection. Hence the knives..."

Michael trailed off and met Raziel's curious gaze with a smirk.

" They are lucky I have not summoned divine weapons yet." 

Raziel sighed and looked away at Michael's mocking tone. 

" The human energy field is having a perplexing effect on your demeanor, Michael. It makes you...almost humorous. Where is my normally serious, battle-honed brother?"

" I agree with you. This world does seem slightly comical at times, it seems to bring out a hidden side of me. I mean look at us now? Despite all of our training, we could've not have been emotionally prepared for this world and the weight of the human ego."

" Michael I have known you for millennia, you are my brother. I agree with you, this mission is good for team building as well as self-development...not only here but in the divine realm."

" Indeed Raziel." 

Michael smiled a little and kept polishing his daggers. 

" Michael, where did you even get those?"

" Shops. Bits of metal from the construction yard around the corner. Some of them I brought with me from my childhood home...The kitchen drawer."

" Aah, where did you grow up brother? For the first 22 years of your life?"

Raziel's usually calm voice hitched as he fought to contain a chuckle.

" Rural Australia funnily enough. I worked at the family farm until they all left. These 'weapons' were some of my tools in the shed. We should return or at least move to a farmlike estate and make it our base. While I know my animals are looked after I miss them...I miss the serenity and  the farm lifestyle."

Raziel laughed his luminant eyes twinkling.

 " You sound like Ariel. Of course, we can go find them and make a new base. We will figure it out." 

His energy suddenly thickened as tension became tangible in the air.

"They did not all leave Michael...your human family."

"Raziel, it is quite normal for humans to leave one another. Their commitment and loyalty  levels are quite low."

Raziel simply stared blankly into the space before him, his dark hair hanging smoothly down his back.

 " Michael. They were possessed...Sent by lucifer to track you, they finished their mission so they left."

" No...wait how did they find me so fast?"

" It is easy brother, you are the right hand of literally ooze golden energy. Besides, they would always look for the lead archangel first. They know if they found you they could find the others as you would come looking to protect us."

" Raziel. How would you know that? They left!"

" Al stayed, he was probably left to double-check on your progress and report back to his master."

" How would you know that?" 

Michael stuttered out, anger woven heavily into his words.

" Michael...breathe. I know it is hard however you need to leave the human life behind you. I'm the Archangel of Divine Knowledge Michael, I do not want to sound boastful yet I literally know everything. Well, I can know everything if I focus on it...Ask Jene if you are still skeptical he sensed and saw the darkness of possession in Al."

Michael nodded, his blonde hair swishing across his shoulders. 

"Raziel. Why do you have a team of angelings that were looking after you?"

" Nice subject change brother. I believe it is because I was quite difficult to handle. The amount of information; past, present, and future is enough to overwhelm even me in Archangel form let alone in human form. It is enough to drive anyone slightly bonkers."

" Aah, who would have thought my brother Raziel was not the cool collected conscious we all knew." 

Michael exclaimed laughing while his brother just scowled in response.

Arc Angelical Series : Michaels Story, Archangel of ProtectionWhere stories live. Discover now