Over the next couple of weeks the four angels thanks to Ami's guidance managed to settle into a steady routine. While they appeared human, albeit quirky yet still human out in public it was obvious in private that they were anything but mortal.
This much was obvious to Ami as she watched the angels beat one another up under the guise of ' preparation and training'. She herself hadn't been allowed to miss out on training either, apparently, she was apart of their team and therefore needed to train as part of the team.
While Michael had taken the fact that she was mortal into careful consideration it didn't stop the fact that most of her muscles ached and were shaky with fatigue...and they were just the muscles she could feel. If it wasn't blatantly obvious before it was now, Michael certainly was the warrior Archangel.
The speed and fluidity in which the archangel moved, even in his limited human form would have even the most dedicated martial artists drooling. While Michael moved with a liquid grace the other angels had their own unique styles.
It was clear out of the angeling twins that Jene was more of the scholarly type while Jade was the fighter. Jade seemed to fight off raw emotion and practiced ability while Jene seemed to hold back from most contact, only placing carefully thought out movements when it suited him.
He was much like Raziel in this way, the Archangel Of knowledge fought carefully yet precisely. You could see the intelligence and processing occurring deep within the man's eyes as they shimmered with exhilaration from the sparring.
In fact, Ami wasn't surprised that Michael paired people with different fighting methods with one another. It was smart, efficient...everything you'd expect from the Divine warrior.
The young woman stretched out her aching legs and lay back into the sun-warmed grass. They were currently situated on an isolated island just off the Sydney coastline. Michael had scoped out the place on one of his daily patrols of the local area. The current soreness and fatigue she felt were worth the trip there and back. Flying with angels was something she knew she'd remember for a thousand lifetimes.
It was normally Raziel or Jene that held her as they flew. Michael circled around them watching for potential danger while Jade simply flew silently, always on alert.
The way the angels flew was much like their fighting style and general disposition. Michael's flight style was all clean lines and graceful power while Jade's was short and sharp movements yet still held an odd sort of beauty. Jene's movements were a less developed version of Raziel's. Slow but steady, all precision and contained power.
Their wings though were the most eye-catching parts of the flight. Even the breathtaking aerial views of Sydney and the surrounding ocean couldn't compare to archangel wings in the flesh, even in the mortal realm. Both archangel's wings were startlingly similar yet unique enough to distinguish between. While both were a startling, blinding shade of white Michael's seemed threaded in gold filaments, the veins of the feather's a startling gold while Raziel's feather detail was in a shimmering bronze that glowed a captivating coppery colour in the bright sunlight. The almost glowing appendages stretched high up above their heads and lightly brushed the ground as they walked yet most of the time they kept them hidden away from sight.
Jene and Jade's wings were a metallic silver that refracted any light that hit them, causing a shimmering rainbow effect, like the surface of a bubble. In fact, earlier that day Ami had pointed out their resemblance to Tinkerbell which had caused more outrage in itself. While Raziel had found it amusing the motion of having to explain the context to the other angels meant the joke quickly lost its humour. Jade had also started on a lecture about comparing warrior angels to sparkling annoying fairies until Michael had silenced her with a look of exasperation.
Ami still found herself smiling at the Tinkerbell comment later that evening as she snacked on popcorn and watched re-runs of 'The 70's show' in the angel's apartment. She was over there most nights now, her schedule seemed to have easily fit them in and they had become like a mini family. They weren't so draining on her now that they were beginning to adapt to human society. Apparently, the training they had received in the divine realm while substantial and detailed still couldn't adequately prepare them for the culture shock that was the human race. While initially Ami had been slightly offended she soon realised it was much like her schooling. The textbooks and theory could only teach you so much, it was the practicals where you actually gained knowledge.
In the ad break she looked around the dimly lit living room to see what the rest of her company was doing. Jade as per usual was glued to her smart phone, ever since she had downloaded the mobile versions of popular video games such as World of Warcraft you could barely get her off the device, apparently that was a interdimensional problem and not just one of the banes of human behaviour. Jene was silently drawing with his sketchpad, curled up on one of the lounge's armrests while Raziel was yet another text on his own mobile phone. When Ami had showed him the vast array of knowledge at his fingertips the Archangel had actually cracked a smile and thanked her before he dove headfirst into various ebooks covering a dizzying amount of subjects.
Michael was acting pretty much exactly how Ami had dreamed the Archangel of Protection had thought. The divine warrior was currently stretching on a yoga mat on the floor, his legs spread out in the splits as he leant forward and studied his own notes he had written about their mission in his diary. Occasionally, he would furiously write something but mostly he simply stretched and studied.
It was these moments of peace that Ami knew she would treasure for life. After all, how often did one get the opportunity to hang around with two archangels and their divine protectors on a lazy Wednesday evening?
Arc Angelical Series : Michaels Story, Archangel of Protection
FantasyThe deep disembodied voice resonated throughout the extravagently decorated hall like a ancient brass gong ringing on a silent dawn. The throng of statesque forms gathered around the radiant room sitting upright on the gold lounges or gazing out th...