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Despite Ami's hasty departure the night before the angels all seemed quite pre-occupied as they tested and explored their new belongings. Jade and Jene had already downloaded various games onto their phones and were already competing against one another if their enthusiastic yells and annoyed grunts were anything to go by. Michael was attempting to rejuvenate by meditating in his bedroom while Raziel was simply watching yet another morning dawn in the city from their tiny balcony.

To put it simply he was perplexed regarding their situation and a little confused at how he and his siblings were to complete their mission successfully. While the others may be confident in his abilities Raziel was not. He had not been awakened for long enough for his abilities to stabilise and crystalise themselves as they had once been when he was in the divine realm. At the moment, to access his ability was like diving into a maelstrom, it was like looking for a feather in the middle of a tornado. 

While he would gain the information he needed the additional, unrelated knowledge he stumbled upon simply made him nauseous. It was like tapping into rock to find a stream of water only for a geyser to erupt from the small nitch he had made. The dreams and visions that plagued his crucial regenerative meditation and sleep also didn't help in his current fragility. 

The monumentous nature of their mission, to raise Earth's vibration and to save humanity didn't seem to hit him until that moment. The colossal scope of what he and his siblings had to do settled heavily within him, weighing him down as he watched the golden rays of the new day bathe the city of shimmering glass in soft light. The urban oasis seemed so peaceful in the early morning, the bustling city framed by the deep blue of the glittering bays. It was a vivid contrast to what he viewed the city as, to what he knew was occurring below.

He could almost hear the bustling city below him...whether it be the aggressive honks of impatient drivers, the loud mutterings of sleep-deprived workers into their phones or the erratic and consistent squarks of the seagulls and ibis's that dotted the aerial landscape as they too searched for their morning meal. Raziel knew at that moment that his forthmost challenge was to find his siblings, they were stronger as a unit afterall. Yet the real question was how to find them and where would they be?

Despite the fact that Earth was quite small as planet's go it did not take away from the fact that to search for half a dozen unawakened angels in a population of nearly 8 billion was no small feat. In fact, just thinking about it had him feeling queasy as he headed back indoors in search of breakfast.

All three of his divine companions currently milled around the kitchen in what seemed to be their attempts at making breakfast. After watching all three of them get in one another's way Raziel's annoyance finally peaked.

" Just sit down, alright. I'll get us out what we want but we really do need to pull our acts together. We may be angels however in this circumstance we are to act like humans. This means remembering the human training that I know we have all partaken in. Currently, you all seem to be acting like the seagulls outside, squabbling for food scraps and baiting one another."

With one last weighted glance at them all Raziel entered the kitchen and exhaled slowly. His respect for humans had grown tremendously in the short period he had been awakened. The egotistical and warped energy fields of the mortal realm were already heavily affecting them all...and he was an archangel, he wasn't even human. For him to be affected this much he couldn't imagine what the humans felt. How did they greet every day without being held down by the chains of their own energy? How did they function when the egotistical energy they lived in urged them to give up?

With a gentle sigh, the man began to sort through the assorted food items Ami had helped them purchase the day before. He recognised some of the products as he had been eating them for years...bread, cereal...even hashbrowns. Choosing familarity  over the confusing yet appealing looking foods he grabbed a collection of bowls and cutlery out of the kitchen drawers before settling his load down at the table. 

" Help yourselves...I'll make hot drinks."

Raziel muttered as he retreated back into the kitchen and leant his warm forehead up against the cool, tiled wall behind the coffee machine and kettle. He knew he needed to get a grip, there was no point in behaving moodily towards the others. They were all trying their best...they didn't have access to the knowledge he did. He was so immersed in his thoughts that he only barely noticed his brother entering the kitchen. The warrior's golden aura hitting him like a wave as the clearly rejuvenated archangel startled fiddling with the coffee machine.

" What is the matter Raziel?"

He asked somberly, his golden eyes studying Raziel's with the shrewd observation of the intense warrior he was.

" I am questioning the route in which we will need to go down in order to complete our mission. The monumentous nature of finding our siblings in a population of approximately 8 billion is beginning to overwhelm me."

Raziel stated calmly as he studied Michael's expression. The Archangel of Protection's eyes softened yet still remained shrewd, the perfect balance for a warrior....empathy yet astuteness.

" Brother, I was feeling similar to you a short time ago when I was newly awakened and knew I needed to find my siblings. I followed my gut instinct to Sydney and here you are. Remember, we are divine beings and we will find our way again. Here on Earth though it may mean trusting our intuition and instincts more rather than relying on our natural and divine abilities.

The two brothers looked at one another, sharing a weighted moment as they both busied themselves in taking and making the drink orders of their small family, another day was beginning.

Arc Angelical Series : Michaels Story, Archangel of ProtectionWhere stories live. Discover now