<•> Chapter 1 <•>

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She could hear the sharp breathing on her neck as she dashed across the street. No cars or humans were around and the pelting rain soaked her fur and made her blink rapidly. The dogs barked and the noise echoed in her ears she could heard them panting right behind her. One wrong turn and she would end up hanging from their jaws neck broken like they stepped in a twig. She could hear her heartbeat in her chest and the panic creeping up her spine like a garden snake slithering through the wet grass. She ran on and she could see the alleyway where the fence was she just needed to reach it and she could escape. She dived into the alleyway the dogs snapping at her heels. She saw the small opening under the fence she had no time to hop over it. She jumped as the dog snapped at her heels again they barely missed her, she was under the fence and on the other side in seconds, the dogs crashed against the fence and started barking. She scrambled up and saw the stack of boxes that led onto the ledge of the brick building enough for a fox to walk on. She jumped from box to box and reached the ledge, she looked down into the small garden, past the fence were the dogs viciously attacked the fence and barked, snarling and growling. The ledge went around the building to a backyard with no fence just grass one bare tree, a small den, and buildings surrounding it. The fox wasted no time walking around the building and hopped into the small area. She sniffed and paused. Her heartbeat slowed down and her breaths returned to normal her pulse settling.

Suddenly the bushes rattled and a fox sprung from them and tackled her forcing them both to the ground.

She shrieked and scrambled up but the fox snarled and lunged toward her.

She ducked and tackled him midair and they both fell to the ground wrestling and clawing each other.

Suddenly a crow screamed in her ear making her whip around to bite it but the crow was gone and she was tackled into the tree from behind. After struggling helplessly her attacker pinned her down among the roots.

"Got you!" A familiar voice said.

The vixen looked up and recognized her brothers face she glared panting heavily.

"You tricked me!" She said between heavy breaths.

Her brothers brown eyes sparkled with glee, "No, I just used a strategy."

She pushed him off of her and sat up licking her tail, "Your getting good at throwing your voice."

He smiled, "Thanks Starly!"

She glared at him.

"Aw don't you still like your nickname?" He teased flicking his tail.

"I'm getting too old for that Pyke!" She said sticking out her tongue.

Pyke grinned, he had light red fur and long legs, brown eyes, and great at throwing his voice and sounding like other animals.

"Fine, Starla! Why were those dogs after your furry tail?" He asked.

She bit her lip and muttered "Got to close to the Kennel."

His eyes widened, "Starla! You know not to go there! What if the Trappers find us?!"

She looked away her fur heating up with embarrassment. "I know, I know."

"Don't go there again! Your lucky the dogs wandered away!" He continued.

"I'm sorry okay?!" Starla snapped.

He gave her the look that said 'Im disappointed in you'.

"You get no food tonight." He said turning away.

Her head snapped up and she yelped "What?!"

He turned around to face her his voice firm and face serious, "You need to stop going there Starla. You remember what mom and dad said?"

She sighed, "'A fox who wanders close to danger is a fox who ends up a coat on dangers shoulders.'"

He nodded, "You are wandering near danger Starla. I have tried telling you nicely."

"I know." She grumbled.

"So no food tonight, go to sleep." Pyke said.

She huffed and padded to the den a mud makeshift roof to shelter out the hard rain that was still beating down. She could hear him eat a dove and her stomach growled, she curled up in a ball and didn't move when he curled up next to her. She fell slowly into a troubled sleep, a nightmare about Trappers catching her and putting her in a small cage.

Author's note: I write this story on google docs so that's why it seems short or weird. I use different fonts and make the words bigger so it may seem short there but the chapters get longer. There is no current picture because I prefer to finish my stories before I make a cover because I may very well not finish it. I have a lot of hope for this one, and I have chapters 1-5 already done but I am going to space it out before I unload every chapter. Also I own all the rights to this story so please don't plagiarize or steal. But aside from that I take any critiques so please leave some! Anyway enjoy~

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