<•> Chapter 18 <•>

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"Starla." A soft voice called.

Starla opened her eyes and gasped, she was in the sky. Thousands of stars shimmered around her glowing and twinkling, reflecting like sun on water. The stars were all around her, above her and below her. All she could see was stars nothing in the distance.

"Starla." The voice called again.

Starla stood up, she was standing on air, as if there was an invisible floor underneath her, she turned around and stopped.

There was a fox made of stars in front of her. It's outline white with stars connecting the sharp white lines. The fox's eyes also had a white outline with white stars twirling in place in them. It also had stars in it's fur glimmering brightly.

"Who....who are you?" Starla asked staring in awe.

"My name is Pine." The vixen answered flicking her tail sending a dozen tiny stars flying from her tail.

"Where am I?" Starla asked turning in circles gazing at the stars.

"In a dream. A place we call Silverpaw." Pine answered patiently.

"Are you...um.."

"Dead? Yes." Pine said smiling.

Starla noticed a star on Pine's forehead pure white like the stars. "You were the leader?" She asked.

Pine nodded, "The leader of Foxpaw yes."

"What am I doing here?" Starla asked.

"You are apart of the prophecy Starla. You belong with the tribe now." Pine said.

"I am? What does that mean? What do I do?" Starla gasped.

"You need to stop the war between the seven magic tribes." Pine said as if that was the best answer.

"How do I do that!?" Starla yelped.

"You shall know when the time comes." Pine replied.

"What does that mean?!" Starla cried.

But as soon as she started speaking Pine's silhouette started fading Starla yelled in surprise but she was gone and Starla was alone.


Starla's eyes fluttered open, she slowly sat up. Esther was staring at fire but she looked up and gasped when she saw Starla was awake. She rushed over grinning widely.

"Starla! You are the prophecy fox!" She cried.

Starla started at her. Was her talking to Pine real? How come every tribe Fox spoke in such riddles it hurt her head.

"You are the fox of wind and color! Our ancestors told me so in Silverpaw!" Esther continued her tail wagging excitedly.

"I had a dream too." Starla said.

"What? Tell me!" Esther said sitting down across from her.

Starla told her about her dream with Pine, Esther listened carefully when it was over she paused thinking.

"Pine died when I was young she was elder age. She got crushed by a rock. She was a great leader from what I remember," Esther made eye contact with Starla eyes glimmering like the stars, "you are very special to have spoken with her."

"Can you just stop!" Starla suddenly erupted.

Esther stared at her eyes wide mouth in a small o, "W-what?"

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