<•> Chapter 16 <•>

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She stayed under the bush for awhile and even dozed off. When she woke up she went back to Esther's den, no foxes approached her and she felt awkward. After hearing Ciaran and Acorn arguing about her she scuttled back to the den head down. She didn't expect the tribe to be like this, they seemed to lost curiosity over her and spoke to each other not sparing a glance at her.

She padded into the den to see Momo stocking a pile of star shaped leaves. Esther was talking to a big red vixen on a pile of moss she looked upset and her amber eyes showed that.

"Oh hey Starla!" Momo said prancing up.

"What's Esther doing?" Starla asked.

"She's helping Morrow, my aunt. She's expecting a litter." Momo said spitting moss from between her teeth and sticking out her tongue playfully.

"Really? How far along is she?" Starla asked.

"She just started a moon ago, but she's been craving hawk ever since." Momo wiggled her backside and pounced on Starla's paw.

Esther look up and nodded at Starla and turned to Morrow again tending to her and talking quietly with the soon-to-be-mother who stared at Starla for a moment then turned to Esther.

"Have you met the foxes?" Momo asked as Starla sat down.

"No...many haven't spoken to me..." Starla trailed off.

"The tribe isn't that big, they'll meet you." Momo carefully pushed a rolled away purple berry towards it purple friends.

"How many are in it? It seems big to me..." She said frowning.

Momo paused and looked up and said out loud, "Esther, me, Morrow, Mouse, Midnight, Hawk, Ciaran, Mintleaf, Coven, Acorn, Oak, Silver, Ferret, Midnight, Blossom, Basil, Maud, Sylvia, Juniper, and Frostine."

"Are tribes normally this small?" Starla asked.

Momo frowned and cocked her head to the side, "They are normally bigger but we had a shortage of kits the past two years. Blossom had her last litter ages ago, this will be Morrow's second litter but her first litter died."

"Oh no why?" Starla gasped.

Momo shrugged, "We don't know."

"That's awful..." Starla said glancing at Esther and Morrow.

"Yeah," Momo said sadly but she grinned again and looked up at Starla, "Our deputy Maud wants to meet you! I'll go get her!" Momo said and scurried out of the den before Starla could respond.

Starla paused then laid down and looked around. She saw Esther nose Morrow who turned away looking defeated and turned and padded toward Starla.

"Have you met the tribe already?" Esther asked.

Starla blinked, "I meet the elders and Oak's friends."

"Silver and Ferret huh? Those three are the only apprentices right now." Esther sighed she looked tired but somehow still elegant.

"Why? Momo told me you didn't have a lot of foxes for awhile." Starla asked.

"There was a bad drought two Season Shift's ago. Many foxes died." Esther replied sadly.

"Oh." Starla said unsure what to say, "I'm sorry.."

Esther forced a small that didn't quite reach her swirling eyes but her voice was softer, "It's not your fault. You weren't even here.."

They heard paw steps and looked up Momo bounced in grinning and stood beside esther. After her walked in a young vixen with light brown fur hazel eyes, and a scar over her left eye. She looked at Esther and nodded and turned to Starla stopping a few feet away.

"You are the one who insulted Midnight huh? Had him spitting mad, ranting like the stars were gonna fall." She said.

"He insulted my parents." Starla said frowning.

"I know he did. But best not to make enemies of him. That old fox can still swipe." Maud said.

Starla blinked at her.

"I am Maud, the deputy. I make sure the clan runs smoothly, and will be the next leader after Hawk." Maud announced her gaze serious.

"Why don't you have a star on your forehead like him?" Starla asked.

"We only get the marking of the leader once we become the leader." Maud replied evenly.

Esther nudged Momo and they turned away and went toward Morrow while Maud settled down keeping her eyes on Starla.

"Have you noticed how small our tribe is? How hard it is to survive out here?" Maud asked.

Starla nodded slowly.

"We don't have trash laying around her like you do in the city. Hawk will decide what to do with you." Maud stood up and turned away.

Starla jumped up her heartbeat racing. "Aren't I apart of the prophecy?"

"We don't know. If you aren't.." Maud glanced at her over her shoulder, "Then you're useless to us. Don't forget that foxling." She padded out flicking her tail and didn't look back.

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