<•> Chapter 17 <•>

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Starla heard the yowl and shot up, out of the den her fur standing on end. But she saw the tribe slowly gather at the base of the mountain. Hawk and Maud stood on the edge looking out over the meadow. Starla paused unsure what to do but she felt a tail flick under her chin and looked down.

Momo grinned at her and hurried down the mountain path her tail flicking excitedly. Esther padded up beside Starla.

"They are having a meeting, go down with Momo." Esther said her brilliant blue eyes shimmering in the dim light. The sun was barely visible and night was coming stars starting to peak out in the dark blue sky.

Starla started down the mountain path glancing over her shoulder she saw Esther make her way towards Maud and Hawk. She made it to the bottom and saw the whole tribe gathered whispering among themselves.

She spotted Ciaran and he saw her he smiled and gestured with his tail for her to come over. She sat down when Acorn popped up she smiled at Ciaran but when her gaze landed on Starla it quickly hardened. She went on the opposite side of Ciaran without a word but Starla could already feel the tension between Ciaran and Acorn that suddenly formed.

"What's happening?" Starla whispered, the other foxes voices were low so she didn't want to be loud and draw attention to herself.

"A meeting, Hawk has some announcements to make." Ciaran whispered back his tail brushed hers and she shivered with surprise but he flicked it away.

"Nothing she could know about," Acorn hissed under her breath so only they could hear.

Starla didn't have a moment to feel hurt or offended as soon as Acorn shut her mouth Hawk let out another yowl and the tribe's chatter immediately grew silent. All the foxes looked up to see Hawk standing on the edge, the dark sky making his fur stand out. Maud sat beside him her gaze flicking over the clan.

Esther on the right side of Hawk but her gaze wasn't as stern or demanding or serious more day-dreamy.

"Attention Foxpaws!" Hawk roared his voice firm. "As you may have heard, Esther has gotten a prophecy from our ancestors! We may have found one of the foxes. As you know Ciaran my son has gone to the city and found Starla. We wait to see if she is the prophecy fox." He said.

The foxes whispered excitedly but Hawk growled and the chatter dispersed once again.

Starla stared up at him in awe.

"We have had a shortage of foxes ever since the drought. The one that swept away many of our members and now watch over us from the sky," He continued glancing at the sky then back at the tribe his gaze swept over the crowd. "And since we have so little even if Starla is not the prophecy fox." He paused, "She is welcome to become one of us, she is by blood, if she chooses she can stay and learn our ways."

Gasps rose up from the foxes and Starla looked around confused. Would she stay if she wasn't the prophecy fox? What about Pyke? Would he come too?

"What?! She's a city fox! How could she learn our ways?!" A fox shouted.

It was Acorn she had stood up and was glaring at Hawk fire flickering in her brown eyes. Her fur was bristled and her gaze challenging.

Hawk looked down on her his gaze so sharp it cut through Starla even though it wasn't aimed at her. "Starla is by blood, she has our instincts inside her. It is not the first time a fox that is not one of us becomes one of us. And I would watch your tongue Acorn, as I recall your uncle came from a farm."

His words made Acorn freeze then hiss and sat down muttering under her breath.

Starla tensed lost in her thoughts. Would she go back? How do they know she is apart of the prophecy?

She jumped when Ciaran nudged her gently she looked up at him in confusion.

"Don't worry, look up he's still speaking." Ciaran nodded his chin at Hawk.

He was right. She shook herself awake and turned her attention back to Hawk sitting like the rest of the tribe.

"Our food supplies is fine. Our apprentices are learning quick. It won't be long before they become official Foxpaw hunters, no visions from our ancestors, that is all." Hawk turned and disappeared.

The tribe then started to come alive again the foxes didn't whisper but gossiped and gave Starla side long glances she felt her fur heat up and become nervous.

"Go to Esther's den." Ciaran mumbled.

"What? Why?" Starla asked.

"Just go." He said and turned away.

She frowned but went up the path and into Esther's den. She was started to get tired of being told where to go without getting told why. Esther, Hawk, and Maud were in the den. They looked up as she stepped in.

"Ah Starla. Come here." Esther said smiling kindly.

Starla stopped a few feet in front of them, "What is it?" She clicked.

"We have yet to find out if you are the prophecy fox, you are welcome to stay with us until then." Hawk said.

"Okay." Starla said unsure what to say anymore.

"Get some sleep, we'll speak to you in the morning." Hawk said and walked out Maud at his heels.

Starla stared at Esther she just shrugged. 

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