<•> Chapter 19 <•>

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The next day Starla was standing in the meadow beside Hawk and Esther with a group of foxes. Ciaran, Oak, Acorn, and Mintleaf with them. The other foxes including elders watch them leave for the journey. They started making their way through the forest to the land where the Foxfields live. Ciaran stuck beside Starla much to her delight. They have had hardly a chance to speak since she came to the tribe and she was glad to see her friend. Esther and Hawk were leading in front, Esther had herbs in her mouth on the side so she could speak with the leader as they made their way along.

Acorn and Mintleaf the fox with blue eyes that was in the group with ciaran and Acorn when Starla heard them arguing.

"Hey!" Ciaran said grinning.

"Hey! I've hardly seen you!" Starla said also grinning.

"I know, you've been busy. Hopefully things calm down now, and we'll be able to spend more time together. And your a prophecy fox, too important for a normal fox to speak with you." He joked.

"Oh please! Prophecy fox or not your never not good enough to speak to me!" Starla said smiling big.

"Oh sure. Anyway, what's your opinion on the tribe?" Ciaran asked flicking his ears forward.

"Their nice...except Midnight...he hates me." Starla murmured.

Ciaran hushed her quickly, "Don't say that so loud! Midnight is very much respected among the tribe speaking about him like that will just upset everyone else."

"It's the truth!" Starla said but lowered her voice.

"Even so best to keep that to yourself." Ciaran said.

"Fine. But other than that they are nice." Starla shrugged.

"Yeah most are." Ciaran muttered under his breath and glanced at Acorn over his shoulder.

"I don't think she likes me," Starla whispered glancing at Acorn and moving closer to Ciaran so no one but him would hear.

"She's just hotheaded." Ciaran answered.

"Where's your other sister Juniper by the way?" Starla asked, she felt awkward talking about Acorn for some reason.

"Juniper went to see the Foxcoasts. She went there on an errand she will be back when we go to the Fox tribe meeting every full moon." He answered.

"Oh, Sylvia is cute." Starla smiled.

"Yeah she is." He agreed stepping over a big root to avoid tripping on it.

"How long will it take for us to get to the Foxfields?" Starla asked.

"A day then us peace talking with them if no problems come of it a day back." He shrugged.

"Um problems?" Starla asked nervously.

"Ciaran!" A voice cut in quickly.

They both jumped apart since they hadn't moved away from whispering before and looked over their shoulder to see Acorn directly behind him her eyes narrowed at Starla before turning to Ciaran and lighting up.

"Want to hunt some prey?" Acorn asked.

"We should probably stop and rest anyway." Hawk called toward them they had stopped in a clearing.

"Okay, sure." Ciaran glanced at Starla and opened his mouth to ask if she wanted to join.

"Great! Let's go!" Acorn said cheerily and stepped between Starla and Ciaran and pushed him away almost forcing him along. He glanced at Starla over Acorn's shoulder and shrugged before they disappeared into the forest brush.

Starla puzzled shrugged it off and sat down. She was just staring at the sunlight coming through the trees and making a scattered pattern on the grass when suddenly she heard rustling and turned snapped out of her trance. She saw Mintleaf approach her.

"You should back off you know." Mintleaf said matter-of-factly. Hawk and Esther were off across the clearing speaking and they couldn't hear Starla and Mintleaf from there.

"Wa-what?" Starla stammered intimidated by her tone.

"Acorn really likes Ciaran, she has since forever. Don't take that away from her." Mintleaf said, her tone wasn't necessarily mean more like she was staying true facts but her words surprisingly stung by the words.

"I-I-I'm not trying to..." Starla said confused. How was she trying to take Ciaran away from Acorn? Were they even dating? And did Ciaran belong to her or what?

"Yeah well your actions say something different. Acorn has had a hard life so don't make her any more miserable. Got it?" Mintleaf stated.

Starla was taken back but suddenly she grew bold. She was tired of letting these tribe foxes boss her around like a mouse in their paws.

She lifted her chin and responded, "He's my friend. I am doing nothing wrong. Don't tell me what to do."

Mintleaf looked shocked by what she said then suddenly frowned her tone disapproving. "You don't understand a thing do you? Ciaran-"

"We're back!" Ciaran called, a second later Acorn and him appeared with two rabbits and a couple mice in their jaws.

Mintleaf gave Starla a side-long look before padding across the clearing. Ciaran and Acorn gave everyone their prey before Acorn padded off toward Mintleaf.

Ciaran settled in front of Starla. They had split a rabbit and dug into their separate pieces respectfully. They ate in silence Starla kept glancing at Acorn and Mintleaf they spoke for a bit then looked at her Acorn glared and they turned their backs to her after that.

Starla sighed, she hoped she hadn't said anything wrong.

"You okay?" Ciaran interrupted her thoughts.

"Uh...yeah." Starla said looking at him.

She decided not to mention her conversation with Mintleaf to Ciaran. She didn't want to stir up drama and she was sure no serious problems were to come out of it.

The group continued to make their way through the forest after that. Acorn and Mintleaf didn't approach her again and Ciaran seemed okay. Starla brushed off the conversation and moved forward.

They traveled all day and stopped at a couple streams then settled down in the dry field. Not much further to go to the Foxfields. Starla laid down and stared up at the stars her mind was at ease. Better than when she first came to the tribe. She slowly closed her eyes and fell into a light sleep relaxed.

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