Foxfey terms (read before you read the chapters)

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Foxfey: The magic of foxes

Wolfspirit: The magic of wolves

Tigercall: The magic of tigers

Bearsoul: the magic of bears

Catheart: The magic of cats

Leopardgift: the magic of leopards

Lionroar: Magic of lions

Trappers: Animal control 

Foxpaw: A tribe of feral foxes

Foxfields: A tribe of foxes that are in the tribes of foxes. They own the borders along No Man's Land, and are known for causing trouble. 

Sight: Foxfey magic that enhances a fox's vision, this is the easiest form of Foxfey and the more you use it the further you can see.  

Cloaking: Hides animals sight from a fox making them invisible to the animal, often used for hunting prey or stalking.

Oracles: The medicine foxes of the tribe, they read prophecies from their ancestors and decode them. They make sure the tribe is healthy and well.

Silverpaw: The dream scape where the fox ancestors speak to the living foxes. 

Note: These are definitions of the things the foxes call in the book, more will be added once more chapters come in as I am still currently writing the book. I write the story on google docs then post it here so some chapters may seem short since I can't control font or space as well. Anyway refer to here if the terms confuse you at any time :)

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