<•> Chapter 6 <•>

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They came to a river which they stopped at, they found an abandoned badger den and Ciaran went and caught two bunnies and they ate. After that they drank from the river and washed and groomed their fur.

"We should rest until sundown, then we'll start moving again." Ciaran said licking his paw.

"How long will we go for? I'm sore." She said tearing the moss away from her paw, her felt free now that it wasn't wrapped up.

"Until it's convenient." He answered grinning.

"Ugh." She groaned slumping down and grooming her soaked fur.

"You'll get used to it. Besides I can teach you Foxfey along the way." He offered.

The tension between them had lifted once they found the den and had eaten. Both were full and happy now and he didn't ask again about her family which she was perfectly okay with. The river wasn't deep maybe about five feet long and four feet deep, it had many stones in it and many bugs buzzed around around it. The trees went in a row a couple feet behind the river on both sides and it had a muddy bank the fox den was in a shaded area under a tree with many branches going out. The sun was in the center of the sky, being foxes they didn't like being active in the middle of the day, the sunlight was hot on their fur.

"Could you teach me some right now?" Starla asked.

He gave her a teasing smile, "Are you sure you aren't too tired?"

"If I don't have to physically move I'm fine." She insisted.

"Okay then," He said sitting up.

They in taking shade in the badger den, he continued grooming his fur and getting the water out, she sat up too flicking her wet tail.

"Let's start with the easiest. Foxfey Sight, it enhances your vision, the more you use it the stronger and better you get at it." He explained.

"Okay how do I do it?" Starla asked.

"Close your eyes," He instructed.

Starla closed her eyes.

"Don't open your eyes. Focus on your breathing but don't breath in deep. Breath in normal maybe a bit lighter than normal." He said.

She did as he said. She did that for awhile and he didn't say anything. She frowned, did it normally take this long? She was starting to get annoyed she opened her mouth to speak.

"Don't talk and keep working on your breathing. Normally you wouldn't have to do this but it is your first time. So it's necessary. Now, think of the most magically moment in your life, a feeling you don't have often. Like you could feel you could be or do anything think of that memory and focus on it. Try to think of the most beautiful or magical thing you have ever seen." He continued.

She was confused but complied. The memory instantly appeared before her. Her mother had taken her to a rose garden, the scarlet blooms covered every square inch of the small garden. There was a marble statue of a person in the middle the garden, the dark red making the marble almost glow.

Her mother had bright red fur when the sun hit the tips it made it look orange with golden sparkles, her brown eyes swirled and her voice was like a birds, light and song-like. The very garden seemed magical and pulsing with a soothing energy, Starla just wanted to sit there all day watching her mother and the roses that bobbed in the gentle wind.

"Isn't it beautiful?" her mother whispered in her ear.

'Yeah..." She whispered back after a pause.

They spoke in hushed whispers as if speaking too loud would ruin the magical feel of the moment.

They stood there all day, and when sunset came they went back home. But every once in awhile on the perfect sunny day and no humans or Trappers were around they went to the rose garden. They never spoke a word there, just admired the view the songs of the birds that lived around the garden happy and graceful.

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