<•> Chapter 20 <•> End of book 1

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They set off again and came to No Man's Land. Where they walked on and on but never came across a fox. After awhile Starla wondered if they would ever find them when a yowl rang out and they stopped in their tracks.

They heard rustling of grass and a group of foxes emerged from the dry grass. They had the marking on their leg. A brown fox with silver eyes looked them up and down.

"Hawk." he greeted.

"Hello Mudbark." Hawk said, "We need to speak to Dune immediately."

Mudbark the fox eyed them suspiciously, "What for?"

"It's about the prophecy. We speak in peace." Hawk said voice clear and confident.

Mudbark stared at them for a moment then glanced at a small tan fox. "Get Dune, tell him it's Hawk about the prophecy."

The fox nodded and dashed off into the grass and disappeared.

The rest of the foxes stood there, Hawk and Mudbark staring each other down, Ciaran whispered in Starla's ear.

"That's the deputy, he's awful mean."

"I can tell." Starla whispered back.

They stood there quietly and Starla shifted uncomfortably she didn't like the way the Foxfields stared at her. Eventually the resulting returned and the fox appeared along with a tan fox with one brown eye and one blue eye. He had a light tan star on his forehead, like the one on hawk's forehead.

"Hawk, what is the meaning of this?" He demanded.

"We have found a prophecy fox. We wish to speak in peace." Hawk answered.

Dune looked at him, then glanced at the group of foxes behind him. "Let us speak in private Hawk."

Hawk turned and looked at the group then Esther. She slowly nodded and stepped back bowing her head respectfully.

Hawk and Dune walked a ways away while the rest of the foxes stayed.

Esther stood next to Starla.

"What are they talking about?" Starla asked her voice low.

"About the prophecy, you and the war." She replied.

"Oh." Starla watched them but she couldn't hear or tell what they were saying.

"When will they be done?" Starla asked.

Ciaran shrugged, "Who knows?"

Starla looked down at her paws and fidgeted. They stood there for hours and the Foxfields stood there watching them. They talked among themselves but kept a close eye on the foxes. Esther seemed unconcerned and even smiled kindly at the Foxfields but they frowned and turned away. Esther looked around happily and even admired a flower, Starla wondered how she could be so calm with the Foxfields staring them down like prey they wanted to devour or poisoned food.

The sun was starting to set when Hawk and Dune suddenly came back.

"Leave now, we'll see you during the next full moon." Dune told Hawk as they approached.

Hawk nodded, Dune turned and yowled and the group of Foxfields turned and they marched off into the grass disappearing quickly.

"Let's head back now, the earlier we get there the better." Hawk said the group started following him back.

Starla padded to walk beside Esther who was beside Hawk.

"So what's happening?" She asked.

"Not now Starla. You'll find out soon enough." Hawk replied without missing a beat.

"But-" Starla started.

Esther nudged her gently, "Not now Starla. Go with Ciaran."

Starla frowned but slowed until she was beside Ciaran they made small talk, Acorn and Mintleaf. Starla wondered if she would ever get used to the tribe. She smiled to herself.


They arrived at the tribe again at sunrise, which they all slept until sundown then Hawk called the tribe to a meeting. The foxes gathered beneath the mountain ledge, Midnight the elder ignored Starla and settled beside Acorn across the clearing. Starla sat beside Momo, on her left was Ciaran and next to him was Sylvia who smiled shyly and muttered a quiet hello.

Hawk yowled for silencing and the tribe quieted, waiting.

"As you are aware, we have confirmed that Starla is apart of the prophecy, a fox of wind. And that she will stay with us and help stop the war between the Seven Magic tribes." Hawk said loud enough for everyone to hear.

The tribe whispered among themselves at this, Hawk waited for silence before continuing.

"I spoke with the leader of Foxfields Dune, he agreed to come with us for the fight for peace. They think a prophecy fox is among them, they will aid us. The Foxcoasts have not yet been able to contact us. During the usual full moon meeting i will speak to them and make sure they side with us." He said eyes looking around.

The tribe went quiet digesting this new piece of information.

"We must be careful. We can't let the war divide us. The tribe is dismissed." Hawk said and turned disappearing over the ledge.

The tribe paused then erupted into whispers, speaking about what their leader had just said. Momo went up the path and Starla followed after she saw Ciaran make a beeline for Acorn, Sylvia at his heels looking down at the ground shyly.

Starla felt like the world was moving fast. But...what now? Did she just wait? Wait for the meeting? She was apart of the prophecy that much was confirmed. She liked this, they were her family. But then suddenly a thought struck her like a claw stabbed through her chest making her gasp out loud.


End of book 1

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